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Do You Still Carry Your Gun?


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
Quite a bit has happened in this country about "gun control" and "gun rights" these past few months. I've had quite a few people tell me they are afraid to carry their legally owned handgun in public now. All of these people have always carried concealed and are now afraid to even do that. They have their Wisconsin CCL's and know the laws but are overwhelmed with all the propaganda from the "media" about gun owners being evil. If we don't exercise our rights then we don't have any. Most people are terrified of police encounters while driving if they have a firearm on them. I asked them "How did you survive in traffic stops before we had concealed carry?".

I carry daily and will continue to do so and fight for my rights.

Has any of the hyperbole from the media changed how you carry?


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
Quite a bit has happened in this country about "gun control" and "gun rights" these past few months. I've had quite a few people tell me they are afraid to carry their legally owned handgun in public now. All of these people have always carried concealed and are now afraid to even do that. They have their Wisconsin CCL's and know the laws but are overwhelmed with all the propaganda from the "media" about gun owners being evil. If we don't exercise our rights then we don't have any. Most people are terrified of police encounters while driving if they have a firearm on them. I asked them "How did you survive in traffic stops before we had concealed carry?".

This sounds ridiculous.
How many are in "quite a few"?

Law abider

Regular Member
Aug 17, 2011
Ellsworth Wisconsin
Quite a bit has happened in this country about "gun control" and "gun rights" these past few months. I've had quite a few people tell me they are afraid to carry their legally owned handgun in public now. All of these people have always carried concealed and are now afraid to even do that. They have their Wisconsin CCL's and know the laws but are overwhelmed with all the propaganda from the "media" about gun owners being evil. If we don't exercise our rights then we don't have any. Most people are terrified of police encounters while driving if they have a firearm on them. I asked them "How did you survive in traffic stops before we had concealed carry?".

I carry daily and will continue to do so and fight for my rights.

Has any of the hyperbole from the media changed how you carry?

Those "quite a few people" must live in Milwaukee or Madison. I here in W WI have been OCing as often as I can after work, since I have not yet submitted my Utah CC papers, but when I do, I'll OC in MN too. Now there is where I don't know what will happen. My leo buddy has been asked by the police commission to be the town's next police chief, the constitutional cop I am talking about. I am friends with my county sheriff and she will be coming to the event at RF WI to hear out the Pine County MN sheriff talk about their constitutional role on April. ( see my post on this event) I was told that she is not sure as to how much authority she has or has not.

I have never been stopped by an overzealous leo or deputy so far.


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
This sounds ridiculous.
How many are in "quite a few"?

Pete, you should attend one of my CCL classes and see. My last class was 15 people. Of those 15 over half discussed this with me. Most of them are just terrified of traffic stops while they are armed. Sometimes a person will ask what seems a simple question about a traffic stop and then another person asks "What if.....?" and then it escalates into multiple scenarios. I have to ask them to see me on a break and also tell them I am not providing legal advice. I've had several (over 8) classes of small groups of people ranging from 6 to 37 attendees and their biggest fears are not criminals. Their biggest fears are the police. Since you are the police you don't share their fear.


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
I have never been stopped by an overzealous leo or deputy so far.

Neither have I. I had a Kenosha deputy ask me "Are you law enforcement?" and two Kenosha city police ask me about WCI during a garage sale. The closest "I THINK" I've ever come to having an issue was when a Pleasant Prairie police car stopped suddenly after he passed me on the street in my neighborhood. I walk strong side to the street so he may have seen my gun and decided not to bother (out of his jurisdiction anyway) or maybe he was stopping to mail a letter? Either way nothing happened that day.


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2006
Wausau Area
The state of gun control in this nation or any perceived stigma surrounding gun ownership/carry will not change my modus operandi. I carry as often as I'm able. The only place I likely differ with most of you is that I always carry concealed now that I'm permitted to do so.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2011
The state of gun control in this nation or any perceived stigma surrounding gun ownership/carry will not change my modus operandi. I carry as often as I'm able. The only place I likely differ with most of you is that I always carry concealed now that I'm permitted to do so.

This is pretty much what I would have typed. I haven't heard anyone I know who carries express any of these thoughts, though the subject comes up less now that CC is just another day.

There has been only one day since receiving my license that I haven't carried, and it was when I had pneumonia and never left the house that day.


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2010
Delavan, WI
They are "afraid" to do what is constitutional, legal, etc. Let us know when the heat gets too much, and some of us can buy their stash out.


Regular Member
Mar 5, 2013
Heading to Wisconsin soon
Well I carry but not in illinois. I can honestly say most people are afraid of the police here an it's not just guns. No doubt about that. It is a new thing to me to open carry but i'm learning from you all in wisconsin. I remember somethin Jeff Cooper said "I carry a sidearm so I can fight my way to my rifle!" or somethin like that.

I guess I need to find a good semi rifle but that seems bout impossible right now.


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2010
Delavan, WI
Benraines, hang in there, supply will eventually catch up. Issue for people in IL will be what you really can buy out in time. IL will likely cave like CO, NY, CT, MD.

And there are plenty of bolt action rifles available, and some lever action.


Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
Aug 23, 2006
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Has the media hyperbole changed how I carry? Yeah, a small amount: I OC instead of CC whenever practical. I want people to see that gun carry is alive and well and won't be intimidated by mass hysteria and witch hunts.

You stated that most people are afraid of encounters with the police. I can't speak on behalf of "most people" but there does not seem to be any great apprehension expressed about this in the CC classes I teach. The topic is covered and I think most people come away feeling that routine police encounters will not be nerve-racking experiences and they can handle them with confidence. Just because there are a few horror stories around, the vast majority of routine police encounters with lawful gun carriers go just fine. Most likely, yours will too! I encourage everyone to give some thought to how they will behave in certain circumstances, e.g., traffic stops, so they aren't fumbling for the "appropriate response" at the time.

Police deal with so many people that they develop a high sensitivity to detecting nervousness. Likewise, they are equally aware of confidence. Confidence tends to put police (or anyone for that matter) at ease more than nervousness. If your greatest fear when going lawfully armed is the police, then reconsider your decision to go out armed.

If you're not breaking the law, then don't respond or behave like you are... relax.


Campaign Veteran
May 18, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
Well I carry but not in illinois. I can honestly say most people are afraid of the police here an it's not just guns. No doubt about that. It is a new thing to me to open carry but i'm learning from you all in wisconsin. I remember somethin Jeff Cooper said "I carry a sidearm so I can fight my way to my rifle!" or somethin like that.

I guess I need to find a good semi rifle but that seems bout impossible right now.

I can point you to a decent buy for a semi auto rifle. I'll PM you the details.