As to dogs "charging"...99% internet/media myth. End story. Unless rabid, or abused, most, even alledegly "mean" dogs are NOT going to charge or attack anyone without having been provoked or harmed.One thing you never hear in all these "news" stories of kids/people being charged or attacked by dogs is the side of the story those "victims" or families thereof, are never willing to admit- that prior to that attack they were messing with , or doing something to the dog, in the 1st place.
Something to consider: Dogs arent people -they act/operate/function mostly on instinct. They dont wake from a nap, go tooling down the street,thinking "hmm maybe some tasty little rugrat will be out and about to tear the throat out of".
They dont attack anyone out of malice, or for sh*ts and giggles- they do so out of defense for themselves, or for their masters-IF/WHEN they interpret a threat.
Humans, however..well, we all know Humnan nature. And there's no shortage of folks who DO wake up and say "hmm I wonder who I can find today to rob, rape, or kill" Those, are conscious decisions, acted upon by folks of a wicked bent.
A massively displaced concern, this dream, chalk it up to such, and carry on.
Displaced concern? Hmm...not if you or yours was one of the intended victims.
- An estimated 4.7 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year
- Nearly 800,000 dog bites require medical care
- Approximately 24% of human deaths involved unrestrained dogs off of their owners’ property[SUP]4[/SUP]
- Approximately 58% of human deaths involved unrestrained dogs on their owners’ property