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Lawsuit filed for carry in the District of Columbia


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
DC has been ordered to pay Heller's legal bills... currently $1 million plus, and counting. :banana:


A federal judge on Thursday issued an opinion awarding Heller's attorneys $1,137,072.27 in fees and expenses. The attorneys had argued they should be awarded $3.1 million. Attorneys for the city said the figure should be closer to $840,000.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
DC has been ordered to pay Heller's legal bills... currently $1 million plus, and counting. :banana:


A federal judge on Thursday issued an opinion awarding Heller's attorneys $1,137,072.27 in fees and expenses. The attorneys had argued they should be awarded $3.1 million. Attorneys for the city said the figure should be closer to $840,000.

Would that there were some personal liability involved.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
...on behalf of a group seeking the right of registered gun owners to carry their guns in public.
Poorly worded, or maybe an example of the back-assward mentality there.
We HAVE the right.
What various suits are trying to do is stop various bits of gov't from infringing the right.

"Mr. Gura is treading uncharted ground claiming that the Second Amendment offers the right to carry," he said.
Huh? Which part of "bear arms" does he think somehow doesn't mean "carry arms"?
How is the Constitution "uncharted ground"?

Mr. Mendelson said the District's role as home to the president, Congress and the diplomatic corps should be reason enough not to allow carrying.

"In the nation's capital, carrying is perhaps the greatest concern to law enforcement because it makes it very hard for law enforcement to distinguish between a person who is carrying a firearm legally and a potential assassin," he said.
And they're doing such a great job now, keeping the criminals from killing or harming people?
Mr. Mendelson needs to take a vacation in places where carry, esp. OC, is common. He needs to ask questions of & listen to the various LEO/LEA in those places.
Anyone who can tell the difference between a friendly dog & a dog that is aggressive can tell the difference between a lawfully-armed OCer & a criminal committing a crime (such as robbery).


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Mr. Mendelson must become practically apoplectic when the President or some governmental "VIP" visits an active OC state like NC, VA, AZ or NV.


The RKBA has NOTHING to do with the safety of elected or appointed officials. It has to do with INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS and their ability to defend themselves and their families against ALL ENEMIES, foreign AND domestic--whether those enemies be some cracked-out gang-banging thugs, or out-of-control tyrannical government of our own.

Mr. Mendelson is a sociopath, who believes that the lives of "public servants" are somehow more precious than the lives of individual citizens, and their familes--and I find that attitude to be fundamentally disgusting and on it's face, un-American and repulsive.

People like Mr. Mendelson do not deserve the honor of being called an "official", and do not deserve the honor of sitting in a position of authority in Washington DC. He is a disgrace to the principals of our Constitution, an embarrassment to the legacy of the Founding Fathers, and his disdain and utter disregard for his Oath as a public Servant is bordering on seditious.

Mr. Mendelson should be reminded of the exact and VERY SERIOUS wording of U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 115, and reminded that this Code applies to HIM just like it applies to every other Citizen, and that means the PENALTIES for violating this Code apply to him as well...


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
DC has been ordered to pay Heller's legal bills... currently $1 million plus, and counting. :banana:


A federal judge on Thursday issued an opinion awarding Heller's attorneys $1,137,072.27 in fees and expenses. The attorneys had argued they should be awarded $3.1 million. Attorneys for the city said the figure should be closer to $840,000.

Considering the previous track record of the DC government on matters of this type and their inveterate foot-dragging, I certainly hope Mr. Gura isn't holding his breath waiting for that check. By the time DC gets around to paying it, it may very well be denominated not in "U.S. Dollars", but in "North American Union Ameros"... :uhoh:
Last edited:


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Today marks six months since the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court removed the case from Judge Kennedy, where it had languished for one and a half years without a decision.

I hope that Judge Scullen is more attentive to fundamental rights than Kennedy was.

Six months! Come on Judge, it is a very simple case. There either is or there is not a right to bear arms outside of one's home.


Regular Member
Sep 10, 2008
Eastern Panhandle,WV ,
Today marks six months since the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court removed the case from Judge Kennedy, where it had languished for one and a half years without a decision.

I hope that Judge Scullen is more attentive to fundamental rights than Kennedy was.

Six months! Come on Judge, it is a very simple case. There either is or there is not a right to bear arms outside of one's home.

This is a case where even getting a bad ruling is better than this endless cycle. Think about it-the case was filed in August 2009. It's not inconceivable that if the case were ruled upon in timely fashion that this case would be before SCOTUS this term. Instead, another carry case will have to wait until the NEXT SCOTUS term.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
This is a case where even getting a bad ruling is better than this endless cycle. Think about it-the case was filed in August 2009. It's not inconceivable that if the case were ruled upon in timely fashion that this case would be before SCOTUS this term. Instead, another carry case will have to wait until the NEXT SCOTUS term.

This is just my thinking, but I really think that Chief Justice Roberts may want to review THIS case because it is a CLEAN 2A case. There is no 10th A or states rights issue in DC. It makes great sense to FIRST rule on the right, then to rule on the applicability to the states. That was the beauty of Heller and MacDonald.

I may be wrong, but when you consider that the Chief Justice ordered this case be taken out of the hands of Judge Kennedy where it languished for 18 months, and put in the hands of somebody that could deliver a reasoned opinion in short order, my thinking becomes plausable.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
Until y'all in DC organize a 2nd Amendment March wherein 10's of thousands of ya march to the TOP steps of the Supreme Court, the White House and the Capital while you open carry *ANY* type of *fully loaded* firearm holstered or slung to your back and *STAY* there *UNTIL* all anti-2A laws are revoked/repealed AND/OR that the RKBA is ruled that it is for the individual and *NOT* for the state to decide and/or infringe upon., y'all in DC need to sit down in your recliner chairs, shut up, eat from your bowl of chips with that cheap beers in the other hand while you watch the SuperBowl on your wide-screen HD LCD TV.

That's correct, you read it correct: Sit down and shut up.

I need not say that George Washington, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, Ben Franklin, and others once upon a time *DIDN'T* sit down and shut up, now, did they? They didn't.

(Pass the chips, already, will ya?!)


(15) WE ADVOCATE FOR THE 'LAW-ABIDING' ONLY: Posts advocating illegal acts of any kind are NOT welcome here. Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Until y'all in DC organize a 2nd Amendment March wherein 10's of thousands of ya march to the TOP steps of the Supreme Court, the White House and the Capital while you open carry *ANY* type of *fully loaded* firearm holstered or slung to your back and *STAY* there *UNTIL* all anti-2A laws are revoked/repealed AND/OR that the RKBA is ruled that it is for the individual and *NOT* for the state to decide and/or infringe upon., y'all in DC need to sit down in your recliner chairs, shut up, eat from your bowl of chips with that cheap beers in the other hand while you watch the SuperBowl on your wide-screen HD LCD TV.

You've obviously never been to DC have you?

Such a protest would be met NOT with tear gas and tazers, but with live rounds and lethal chemical weapons. A "cover story" would be quickly spun to cover the carnage as some sort of "radical militia attack" on the Capital, and the bodies would be disposd of unceremoniously and without fanfare, media coverage, or proper rites.

Surviving family members of the protestors who questioned the official story would be threatened with indefinite detainment. Alternative media outlets who wrote about it or posted video of what REALLY happened would be "disappeared".

Because that is how they roll in DC...

Tell you what--when YOU stand in front of the parade, we'll fall in right behind you--about 500 yards back. We'll see how far into the District you get OCing a 1911 on your hip an an AR-15 over your shoulder.

That is, if you can stand to be out in the sunlight after living your entire "adult" life in your parent's basement, making absurd statements and armchair ninja pronouncements on forums, in between online matches of HALO...