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New to Carry


Jun 30, 2017
Memphis, TN
Just wanted to say hello. I am waiting on my license to come in the mail, and am still on the fence about open vs concealed carry.
I am near Covington, just north of Memphis and would like to hear from anyone in the area.



Regular Member
Jun 20, 2017
Arizona, USA
If you have the option to OC, then by all means do so, just know you may receive a few shocked looks. It feels weird the first few OC sessions but it will feel natural in no time. I OC and CC both depending on mood and destination.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2013
Memphis, TN
I've open carried a few times, but usually I don't really want people to know I have it. I don't want anyone who thinks they want it and can take it to get any ideas or anything... to me its overall safer flying under the radar.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
I've open carried a few times, but usually I don't really want people to know I have it. I don't want anyone who thinks they want it and can take it to get any ideas or anything... to me its overall safer flying under the radar.

You do understand, I hope, that the vast majority of the people on this forum take the opposite opinion. That's why its called Open Carry dot Org. It is not something that we regularly vote on. What is the purpose of your statement? Do you expect to have everyone here suddenly agree that you are right and abandon open carry and switch to concealed carry?


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Just wanted to say hello. I am waiting on my license to come in the mail, and am still on the fence about open vs concealed carry.
I am near Covington, just north of Memphis and would like to hear from anyone in the area.


Welcome to the world of carrying. Don't worry about anyone else telling you how you should or must carry. That's pretty much the origin of the Open Carry movement: to not be told how we must carry!

Don't break your carry cherry with OC. Just get comfortable carrying concealed, first. Get a good holster that specifically fits your gun, not a nylon generic holster (an absolute must!). Wear it around your house until you receive your license; get accustomed to how hit feels, and what it means to do routine things like sit in a desk chair or go to the restroom while carrying.

After you receive your licence, keep doing the same until you're ready to walk to the curb and check the mailbox. Tuck in a t-shirt, holster your gun, and throw on one of those $9 Walmart short-sleeved square-tail print button-up shirt. Button it up all the way if you want, then start unbuttoning until you don't care if it flops in the breeze.

At that point, you'll be as comfortable OCing as you are CCing.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Welcome to the world of carrying. Don't worry about anyone else telling you how you should or must carry. That's pretty much the origin of the Open Carry movement: to not be told how we must carry!

Don't break your carry cherry with OC. Just get comfortable carrying concealed, first. Get a good holster that specifically fits your gun, not a nylon generic holster (an absolute must!). Wear it around your house until you receive your license; get accustomed to how hit feels, and what it means to do routine things like sit in a desk chair or go to the restroom while carrying.

After you receive your licence, keep doing the same until you're ready to walk to the curb and check the mailbox. Tuck in a t-shirt, holster your gun, and throw on one of those $9 Walmart short-sleeved square-tail print button-up shirt. Button it up all the way if you want, then start unbuttoning until you don't care if it flops in the breeze.

At that point, you'll be as comfortable OCing as you are CCing.
Open carry is first and primarily for self-defence.

Comfort comes from doing. Wash, rinse, and repeat - it will become automatic.

This is an OC site - we practice and educate OC. CC not so much.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I've open carried a few times, but usually I don't really want people to know I have it. I don't want anyone who thinks they want it and can take it to get any ideas or anything... to me its overall safer flying under the radar.

CC carriers look like unarmed victims waiting for a place to happen.

I want everyone to know that I have it. That is part of what makes me safer.

On a typical day, I wear pants, shirt, shoes, hat, and an OC'd 1911.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I use to open carry in a holster with virtually no retention. But, even though the reported cases of gun grabbing is slim to none, the election of DJT has revealed we have many more crazies roaming our streets than first known to the general public. These crazies are not clinically diagnosed as such, but are capable of doing stupid things, real stupid things. Because of this I now carry with a retention holster. And no I have not gone overboard; simple level two retention does the job. I suggest that retention needs to be considered if you are going to open carry.


Jun 30, 2017
Memphis, TN
I want to thank everyone that has posted to this thread.
I really don't want to create a discussion on which is better open or concealed carry. This is opencarry.org, the prevailing thoughts are to open carry, and I get that most on here will urge me to open carry. I already have those points in mind.
But every large decision is made by weighing the pro and cons of the situation. What I am specifically looking for here are current local to me experiences. At this point my direction is to open carry, but in my mind knowing how the area accepts people doing so is something I must explore. Right or wrong, that is part of my decision making.

As for equipment, I hope that I have that covered. My Alien Gear ShapeShift starter kit just shipped and I should have it in a in a few days.
My license has been approved and should arrive in what ever time frame TN has.
I have my Kore Essentials gun belt on as I type this.
And I have steal targets set up in my back yard to practice with my Springfield XD9 mod 2 every chance I can.

Thanks again everyone for weighing in.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
OP, welcome to OCDO... Please exercise your 2nd amendment right and protect yourself and your posterity in the way that is most comfortable to you.

Please try both methods of carry at your convenience, and please come back and relay your experiences..

On a personal note, I reside in NJ, one of the worst states regarding our 2nd amendment, therefore while in NJ, I conceal carry. I also have the luxury of owning property in Pennsylvania and Delaware, two states that are pro second amendment, in both states I open carry with pride and confidence.

Therefore do what makes sense to you.. Whatever you decide, bear in mind, it is your duty to protect yourself and your posterity, from those that wish to do you ill will.. ' Be armed or be slaughtered'..

Keep us posted thereof.

Best regards


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
I've open carried a few times, but usually I don't really want people to know I have it. I don't want anyone who thinks they want it and can take it to get any ideas or anything... to me its overall safer flying under the radar.

I have heard from MANY folks, mostly LEO types or dedicated "concealed is the ONLY way to carry" persons with this falicy of fear. Now for a related real life incident see the following link and story. And when you're done with the reading I have just 2 questions for you--- Since the intended victim was left with the firearm when those attempting the robbery abandoned it, is it now hers? And, it this a case of that never heard case of "they will just take it from you and shot you with your own gun if you open carry?



Jun 30, 2017
Memphis, TN
Good new, my carry license came in and my holster has shipped. Should be able to carry either open or concealed by this weekend.

So far I have only heard from one local to me person, and he is carrying concealed. (thank you cjohnson44546 for sharing) But, I did notice someone OC this weekend while I was out. I was still in the truck so could not actually talk to him, but at this point I think OC is the way I am going to go. I can always change later if I need/want to.

Thanks everyone for the support.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Dandridge, TN
Welcome to OCDO pabney. While I am not local in the Memphis area I am in East TN having relocated here from MI a few years back. I have found that OC over here in East TN is accepted with little issue. I carry around my little burg every day and have never had one single (negative) word said to me about it. I have been in close company of LEO also and they may glance at it but they have never said boo about it, not even to ask to see my permission slip. I OC/CC as dress permits. I will assume that you have researched and understand TN laws as to prohibited places and signs have weight of law, TN is carry by permit only etc.

I agree that you may be a bit uncomfortable at first but you will overcome it as you carry on a daily basis. Always be aware of people around you like standing in line at Walmart or similar places. That's why a good retention holster will give you a bit of peace of mind knowing someone can't just yank it out of your holster. Go about your daily business like normal. Be respectful and friendly and project the positive image of a responsible firearm carrier, it goes a long way. Go with confidence and be safe.
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Jun 30, 2017
Memphis, TN
So I got my alien gear shape shift holster in last week and tried out the IWB configuration. How anyone can call that comfortable is beyond me. However, the OWB seemed like it was not even there.
So Saturday the wife and I did our normal shopping routine, only with me open carrying. First to breakfast at a small mom and pop place we like, then Walmart, Naifehs Food Rite, and finally Kroger.
Although I think I noticed a few odd looks (which could have been my imagination), I have to say that most people did not even notice. Just like the forum has been saying.

I got about 10 more days to decide if the shape shift holster is for me, but at this point I can say that open carry is for me. Thanks everyone for the support.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Until you get your license dye your hair purple, I am not kidding. Some people will stare, some will not, some will even pay you compliments for your hair style. In the end it will get you past they psychosis of worrying about what others might think.

I do not have purple hair, but I am old, have a beard down to my chest, and hair to the middle of my back. And I have had compliments on my beard, one lady asked years ago to stroke my hair in Food Lion. And sometimes somebody stares. During Christmas I wear a red Santa hat, and a red shirt, I enjoy the comments, smiles, and sometime stares.

ETA if you keep the purple hair once you get the license nobody will notice you carrying.
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Jun 30, 2017
Memphis, TN
I am pretty sure my job would have a fit if I dyed my hair purple, and considering it is keeping my fridge full, I think I will just keep my gray hair, but thanks for the suggestion.
Besides, I already have my license.

Although I am no longer a spring chicken, I to am a bit advanced in years, and I also get mistaken for Santa when the season is right. Complete with gray hair and beard, glasses and a belly that needs no pillow to fill out the suit.


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2010
Near Memphis
Welcome aboard

Hello there,

I live in Atoka myself. I don't see too many people in Tipton County that open carry honestly. It's almost like seeing a unicorn in real life. I usually see them in Walmart or Kroger. There are not too many places that are posted around here either.


Oct 8, 2017
Hi, I'm new here.

Also still new to carry. I've had my permit less than a year and only CC so far. I've heard, please let me know if this is real and should I be worried about it, that the ones that OC tend to be the first ones shot when an event happens? Don't tend to see many OC around the Sevierville area. Not sure how to CC my new pistol its an AR-15 type pistol in the 5.56 Nato. I found this site looking for long gun laws which after some more search found my answer.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Also still new to carry. I've had my permit less than a year and only CC so far. I've heard, please let me know if this is real and should I be worried about it, that the ones that OC tend to be the first ones shot when an event happens? Don't tend to see many OC around the Sevierville area. Not sure how to CC my new pistol its an AR-15 type pistol in the 5.56 Nato. I found this site looking for long gun laws which after some more search found my answer.

Yes I get shot every day when I walk out the door, and my gun gets snatched, and a cop hassles me. Would you be interested in buying a draw bridge in NC, I have several up for sale?