Reading the 'trespassing statute', i see nothing about an allowance for 'encased'...especially with the presence of such signage indicating 'NO FIREARMS'.. Would the business owner be allowed to eject an individual for possessing one that is 'encased', also? (regardless of the nature of the persons reason to be on the business property)
Again, I'm just trying to reason this out for myself. I haven't consulted any legal experts on the subject.
Why is open carry legal in Wisconsin? Simply put: because there is no law against it.
The transport laws do a good job of spelling out how to legally transport a firearm where vehicles are concerned, but nothing really about physically carrying.
Likewise, the trespass laws spell out the regulations on going armed with, but don't address transport.
I'd think it would stand to reason that by the simple lack of laws surrounding it, it would be legal to do so.
It would certainly be tricky to sort out, though. If I'm carrying a properly encased firearm, how would anyone know for certain through ordinary observation what's actually in the case? Maybe it's just my lunch?
That being said, a property owner can ask you to leave for pretty much any reason, so long as it doesn't violate protected class laws. You'd have to comply or face those consequences.
In the particular case of transporting your firearms to and from your dwelling unit, I'd think you'd be afforded a certain amount of latitude and legal protection.