Clearly there is absolutely no point in carrying on this conversation as none seem to want to see the conversation for what it was intended. Why everyone likes to ignore LE statistics is incomprehensible as it's been said over and over that they are LE stats BUT, they cannot be ignored as they give us all insight to the offender mindset.
Get over yourselves and get with the program here! If you cannot support both sides then you're a threat to both sides as you'll attack those on the other side of the team; the same team at that.
Trying to apply LE statistics to civilians open carrying lacks any merit what so ever, especially when those surveyed clearly indicate it was an act that was not planned and the goal was escape. Criminals do not have to escape from me or other civilians and only the truly stupid try to apprehend them without LE training. Ignoring the statistics because they do not apply is not a ploy to discredit you or any other, it is simply a matter of fact, they do not apply. The only insight they give us at all is how the offenders respond to LE or how they MIGHT react to a civilian who was ALSO trying to DETAIN them, hence the verbiage ESCAPE.
The only pointless part of the conversation is your insisting they apply in any way. I have given you my thoughts on the TYPE of oc in discussion, you ignored it, you yourself stated it was about escape but then ignore that it does not apply.
You also have ignore what I stated which was clearly that far less than 1 percent of all criminals openly carry a firearm in a holster, it simply does not happen, they are even known as concealing without one a great percentage of the time which is why they shoot themselves a lot.
I could easily point out that OC is far far more dangerous than CCW because of the number of police officers openly carrying that shoot themselves, but that would not apply either since any given officer likely un-holsters his weapon under stress and re-holsters during that stress, something a vast majority of civilians have NEVER done.
What is wrong with this thread is not hard to spot, goal fired you into defense mode over Mr. Canovi and because you work for him your position is understood. Since I spoke up about spam you assume that I seek to disparage Mr. Canovi or at least that is how you are coming off, I suspect as much anyway.
If you want to believe that about 3% of the folks attacking police officers were openly carrying a firearm in a holster, you are welcome to do so, but just because it is printed in a training manual that they were "openly carrying a firearm" does not mean the same thing whether you, Mr. Canovi or any other want to believe it. Take yourself a statistics class, learn how they are manipulated then come back and show me data gathered using good science and I will bite right into it.
Using your number, well lets see, if we say 6 million folks in mo, now lets apply 10% are criminals, aka 600,000 now lets use 2.5% instead of 3 since it was slightly lower, hmmmm 15,000 criminals open carrying firearms in MO.... not on your best day. The St. Louis Metro area has approximately 1/2 of that population but a larger percentage of the criminals and I can assure you on any given day there is no where near 100 folks open carrying let alone over 7500.
By your standard of 3% and the LEO training manual, every single LEO in the area should spring from his car and draw down on me!
No sir, you are bent out of shape based upon your own desire to defend the PERSON due to an early on attack of sorts and because of it you have closed your own mind to any level of reasonable discussions on it. I was actually going to try and catch the podcast today to try and form an opinion around it, but there seems to be no need, you are hellbent on how it HAS to apply, so hellbent you seem to fail to comprehend that in no way what so ever does it apply.