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Open Carry In Hawaii?

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Hey man thats some real good information..Thanks alot.

Information and knowledge is power. But it wasn't just the democrats although they seem to take the anti gun lead now. The NRA helped draft some gun control legislation too.

I have a sneaky suspicion that much of the gun control in Hawaii, has it's roots in keeping the "natives" disarmed.
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
I cant thank you guy's enough for this information I recall to be jewel's to me..Thanks!

Glad you found it useful. I will do anything I can to encourage young men to learn the truth about our "inalienable" rights and how our government from local to federal has done everything in their power to destroy them often using scare tactics and peoples personal prejudices to reach their agenda.

You just missed our 2A rally in Olympia, that isn't too far from Portland. If you are still around next year would love to see ya there. I even have a picture of myself OC'ing in front of the governors door. (several of us do) If you ever make it north a bit let me know, we could meet for coffee.

If you make it to Hawaii let me know, I have some roots there and may be able to help you adjust to some of the local ways of doing things.


Regular Member
Jun 5, 2011
Portland, Oregon
Glad you found it useful. I will do anything I can to encourage young men to learn the truth about our "inalienable" rights and how our government from local to federal has done everything in their power to destroy them often using scare tactics and peoples personal prejudices to reach their agenda.

You just missed our 2A rally in Olympia, that isn't too far from Portland. If you are still around next year would love to see ya there. I even have a picture of myself OC'ing in front of the governors door. (several of us do) If you ever make it north a bit let me know, we could meet for coffee.

If you make it to Hawaii let me know, I have some roots there and may be able to help you adjust to some of the local ways of doing things.

I'll pass every bit of knowledge I've obtained on down to the next..Knowledge is power an the key to unlock all opportunity's..I Should still be around in Portland next year, wouldn't mind getting together. I was actually looking for some folks who wouldn't mind doing so..An if I ever make my way to Hawaii I will most deffinitly let you know.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2008
, ,
open carry in Hawaii

I'll keep it short. Before my wife and I moved to Hawaii we visited. We did our due diligence and cost wise was awash from Washingtrin State. The due diligence I did not do was firearms laws. I am here to tell you that if I had I would not be here now. 'nuffsiad!!

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
I'll pass every bit of knowledge I've obtained on down to the next..Knowledge is power an the key to unlock all opportunity's..I Should still be around in Portland next year, wouldn't mind getting together. I was actually looking for some folks who wouldn't mind doing so..An if I ever make my way to Hawaii I will most deffinitly let you know.

I rarely make it that far south, but if you make it up north bring your fire arm we'll do an OC meet. The guys up here in Washington look for every excuse to get together. I am almost to Canada though, there are many in southern Washington too though. We are having a bigger meet in SeaTac Aug. 20th if you can make it, I hear there are some cool door prizes too.

Yep knowledge is power. I am glad what others have shared with me and glad to see you keeping on the tradition.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Completely unaware of Hawaii laws, what is it that is intolerable?

I would say it is worse than California, no OC. May issue state that doesn't issue permits.

I OC'd my empty holster last time I was there the day I went to the range, started lots of conversations at the range and the local shop we got breakfast at. People were blown away that in Washington I don't need a permit to OC and can pretty much do it anywhere. I do what little I can to raise peoples awareness.

They also have a registration program, even if you are bringing your firearm temporarily into the state.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
Hawaii sucks, Braddah

"Hawaii sucks for respecting our natural right to be armed. I am there a few times a year and go shooting with my brother in law at Koko head range, a great range but even their rules are very draconian. Be active and work with others in the state to change it though.
It's a shame because I really consider Hawaii a home and to see the state deny it's citizens the human right of self defense in what ever manner we choose pains me."

"Hey consider Washington, Arizona modeled their constitution over after ours.....:lol:

Ae, Aye, Isn't it a crying shame Hawai'i isn't a lawful state! It failed the required Constitutional due process back in 1898 in becoming a U.S. territory. See U.S. Pub.Law 103-150. Hawai'i is always my home though I can't afford to live there because of the cost. The invaders and occupiers have turned this paradise into a police national security state. A virtual prison like Alcatraz, if you will.
I too shot at Koko Hd Range, Schofield, Wheeler, Sand Island, Iroquois Pt., Kakaako, Diamond Head, PTA. After all a dictator would fear others to be armed so it isn't such a surprise all arms are reserved to the ruling elite. It is a big plantation.

Agreed, the key is for the patriots to ban together & put aside all their individual differences and unite under one banner. Further, the so-called PDR of Hawaii has in it's Constitution almost the exact wording as in the original 2d Amend. And these traitors even swore a solemn oath to defend these organic laws.

Ae, Washington is a great place, was there in Oct.

Re the "citizen" in your salutation, I personally would change that to "the sovereign". Yick Wo, U.S. S.Ct. case.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
unlawful state

I would say it is worse than California, no OC. May issue state that doesn't issue permits.

I OC'd my empty holster last time I was there the day I went to the range, started lots of conversations at the range and the local shop we got breakfast at. People were blown away that in Washington I don't need a permit to OC and can pretty much do it anywhere. I do what little I can to raise peoples awareness.

They also have a registration program, even if you are bringing your firearm temporarily into the state.

Even though the PDR of Hawaii is an unlawful state, I suppose the patriots and the braddahs could unite to hold some demonstrations. All of the combined patriots could all decide to ware a holster & one of those fake arms looking thing in that holster. I don't believe the HRS bans fake arms borne by patriots. Then expand the program to where the whole of the group 'buckle up' every day while out in the commons. Watch them ruling elites, traitors, promulgate statutes banning fake arms. It will show how these traitors will stop at nothing to stay in power. Additionally, it will be an easier case to run up to the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional. Pretty soon there won't be enough enforcers, cops, to check each arms toting individual. Then the cops will get complacent in finding only toys.

Agreed, Kalifornia is just another communist state. It shouldn't be in the Union. There should be a movement to kick Kalifarnia out of the Union for none compliance to the supreme law of the land. That is one of the conditions for remaining in the Union of the several states. Additionally, Kalif. doesn't have a provision in its Constitution for individual arms secured to the individual living in the republic.

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
Question on carrying firearms in Hawaii

§134-9 Licenses to carry is very broadly written. It doesn't seem to contain a private property or within the home exemption for the carrying of handguns, openly or concealed. Is there some other Hawaii statute which deals with the carrying of handguns on one's private property or within the home? Also, I could not find any prohibition on the carrying of long guns in public. HRS 134-26 seems to apply only to the carrying of loaded firearms on public highways and in motor vehicles.