Hawaii sucks, Braddah
"Hawaii sucks for respecting our natural right to be armed. I am there a few times a year and go shooting with my brother in law at Koko head range, a great range but even their rules are very draconian. Be active and work with others in the state to change it though.
It's a shame because I really consider Hawaii a home and to see the state deny it's citizens the human right of self defense in what ever manner we choose pains me."
"Hey consider Washington, Arizona modeled their constitution over after ours.....:lol:
Ae, Aye, Isn't it a crying shame Hawai'i isn't a lawful state! It failed the required Constitutional due process back in 1898 in becoming a U.S. territory. See U.S. Pub.Law 103-150. Hawai'i is always my home though I can't afford to live there because of the cost. The invaders and occupiers have turned this paradise into a police national security state. A virtual prison like Alcatraz, if you will.
I too shot at Koko Hd Range, Schofield, Wheeler, Sand Island, Iroquois Pt., Kakaako, Diamond Head, PTA. After all a dictator would fear others to be armed so it isn't such a surprise all arms are reserved to the ruling elite. It is a big plantation.
Agreed, the key is for the patriots to ban together & put aside all their individual differences and unite under one banner. Further, the so-called PDR of Hawaii has in it's Constitution almost the exact wording as in the original 2d Amend. And these traitors even swore a solemn oath to defend these organic laws.
Ae, Washington is a great place, was there in Oct.
Re the "citizen" in your salutation, I personally would change that to "the sovereign". Yick Wo, U.S. S.Ct. case.