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Anybody going to WorldFest in Louisville?


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
I'm planning on going to WorldFest and OC'ing. Being an immigrant from the good old USSR I hope to raise a little awareness and conversation with folks about KY's great gun culture, specifically with foreigners. Why particularly foreigners? Because I work with lots of folks who are from other countries, are rather conservative, but the concept of firearm ownership is foreign. Hoping a few folks will ask questions and have pleasant discussions as I get to experience some cool cultures. Hoping to see some folks there.


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
Louisville is the only place in ky you will run into any issues open carrying. I live in Louisville and mostly conceal but Louisville is very blue in a red state.
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Regular Member
Jul 24, 2008
Union, Kentucky, USA
Louisville is the only place in ky you will run into any issues open carrying. I live in Louisville and mostly conceal but Louisville is very blue in a red state.

Please tell us of the issues you have had open carrying in Louisville. Gutshot has worked long hours making and ensuring the powers in Louisville understand what they can and cannot do. Along with KC3 and a few skirmishes here and there it has been mostly accomplished. If you have had a problem, please let us know.


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
no real issues with govt. More with the citizens and private businesses. Nearly every time I open carry I am asked if I am a cop. Was told at Thornton last month that I wasn't allowed in with a firearm even though there was no sign in the door.

Never had an issue with a cop.

You will see more "no firearms" sign in Louisville than anywhere else in ky.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
no real issues with govt. More with the citizens and private businesses. Nearly every time I open carry I am asked if I am a cop. Was told at Thornton last month that I wasn't allowed in with a firearm even though there was no sign in the door.

Never had an issue with a cop.

You will see more "no firearms" sign in Louisville than anywhere else in ky.
Unless I misunderstand you, being asked if one is a cop is hardly an "issue".

As for Thorton, it could just be an individual enforcing their view of things, or it could be a corporate or franchisee policy. Find out and let us know. If you need help to see about getting things changed, ask for advice as necessary.

One thing you definitely shouldn't do is to resign yourself to the status quo.


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
Being asked if I am a cop is not an issue. After saying no then being asked to leave is the issue.

Again.... not any major issues.
You will just run into more resistance to open carry in Louisville compared to most other places in ky.

You will see more no firearms signs than anywhere else. You will get questioned more.

As for Thorntons... If it were a corporate policy they would have signs on the doors.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I plan on making it a least one day. This is just right for me. Its big enough to have enough people, but not so big that parking and the crowd becomes a problem. Thunder Over Louisville is too big and too crowded for me. We should try to meet. Which day(s) and times are you thinking about?
I might consider doing so also.
Are you coming up for the fireworks in Cincinnati? I've been informed that a certain former citizen of the USSR will be in Cincinnati on Sunday. :banana:


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...As for Thorntons... If it were a corporate policy they would have signs on the doors.
So what's the issue? Is that particular Thortons a franchise location? Do they have franchises? Are you just going to essentially say "Oh well, that's the way it is, it sucks" and give up?


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
I have no idea if it is a franchise. It did not have a sign on the door.
I carry concealed most of the time because of these issues.
So yeah. I basically chalk it up to ignorant people and go about my life.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I have no idea if it is a franchise. It did not have a sign on the door.
I carry concealed most of the time because of these issues.
So yeah. I basically chalk it up to ignorant people and go about my life.
Wow. You complain about the status quo, yet are apparently unwilling to try to change the status quo.

Instead you chalk up the status quo to ignorant people, but do nothing to inform those same people, or to otherwise alter things. I'm sure you're stunned when nothing changes. :uhoh:


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
Wow. You complain about the status quo, yet are apparently unwilling to try to change the status quo.

Instead you chalk up the status quo to ignorant people, but do nothing to inform those same people, or to otherwise alter things. I'm sure you're stunned when nothing changes. :uhoh:
Wow. You are making a huge deal of nothing and completely talking from ignorance.

I did INFORM the person that open carry was legal in ky. I also informed them that there was not a no firearms sign posted. I asked that she speak with her management to clarify the issue because she would lose a lot of business by doing what she was doing.
She makes minimum wage and deals with crappy customers all day. She seemed disinterested in what I had to say.

I have been in Thornton before and after open carrying without issue. So I chalked this one instance up to one ignorant person.

Pick your battles.
I am on your side and you are coming off very combative and rude.
I can just imagine how well you treat people not on your side.

My only point was that you are likely to see more no firearm signs in Louisville and likely to be questioned more.

You have some how devolved it into a fight.
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New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
"Only" was a poor choice of words. More likely perhaps.

I have lived in other parts of the state and I travel throughout the state for work quite often. I also have family in various locations throughout the state.
It is my opinion through personal experience that I see far more no gun signs in Louisville businesses than businesses in other cities. The smaller the city the less you see them. I have never been questioned anywhere other than Louisville in any regard.
I have never been asked to leave anywhere outside of Louisville.

I open carried all the time before moving to Louisville because I didn't want to get a licence. Never had an issue.
Since moving to Louisville I got a concealed licence because I got tired of having to answer questions or figure out whether my presence was allowed.

Now I just avoid businesses that have a no gun sign. If I have to be there I just ignore it and conceal.
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New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
Jesus Christ. I did stand up for myself. You will never fix stupidity. If they fired her I am sure they will hire another motion down the road that will do something similar. I would rather write to the companies that actually make it a corporate policy to post signs. Pick your battles.

I will remember to never have an opinion again on this forum.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Wow. You are making a huge deal of nothing and completely talking from ignorance.

I did INFORM the person that open carry was legal in ky. I also informed them that there was not a no firearms sign posted. I asked that she speak with her management to clarify the issue because she would lose a lot of business by doing what she was doing.
She makes minimum wage and deals with crappy customers all day. She seemed disinterested in what I had to say.

I have been in Thornton before and after open carrying without issue. So I chalked this one instance up to one ignorant person.

Pick your battles.
I am on your side and you are coming off very combative and rude.
I can just imagine how well you treat people not on your side.

My only point was that you are likely to see more no firearm signs in Louisville and likely to be questioned more.

You have some how devolved it into a fight.
"Pick your battles."

Oh, wow, pardon me. You "informed" a minimum wage worker who was disinterested (unsurprisingly, since she's not the manager or owner) in what you had to say. Then, you write the situation off as due to an ignorant person (and just why is she ignorant...?), and appear willing to do NOTHING more to clarify or rectify the situation - you know, by making contact with someone who actually might have influence or knowledge. I know I'm impressed! :uhoh: :uhoh:

Tell us, was the whole encounter a "battle", a "skirmish", or just something you can add to your list of reasons why Louisville is more unfriendly to gun carriers than elsewhere in KY?


...I am on your side and you are coming off very combative and rude.
I can just imagine how well you treat people not on your side.

My only point was that you are likely to see more no firearm signs in Louisville and likely to be questioned more.

You have some how devolved it into a fight.
How is it that you are "on my side"? Simply because you carry a gun?

You're not "on my side" when all it seems you are willing to do is bemoan a situation, then take ineffective or no steps to bettering it. An open carrier ought to be an ambassador and an educator - added on top of the fact that he/she is a gun rights activist simply by open carrying in the first place. But, apparently none of that applies to you.

Why is it that you're here? :eek:

"How well I treat people not on my side"? ROFLMAO! I offered you help to assist you in clarifying/rectifying the situation, but via your later posts it's clear that you really aren't willing (or capable?) to do more than complain.
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New member
Mar 13, 2015
Louisville ky
You guys really know how to help your cause. If you are this big of A holes to someone sympathetic to your cause I can imagine how well you come across to those who actually resist your efforts.

No wonder the anti 2nd amendment folks call us crazies.

Feel free to ban me if this is how a person is treated that has a slightly different opinion on when to fight the good fight.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
You guys really know how to help your cause. If you are this big of A holes to someone sympathetic to your cause I can imagine how well you come across to those who actually resist your efforts.

No wonder the anti 2nd amendment folks call us crazies.

Feel free to ban me if this is how a person is treated that has a slightly different opinion on when to fight the good fight.
Oh puhleese! From what you've said and said you've done or are willing to do, it's clear to me that you're not "fighting" - you're just picking "battles", whatever in the world those might be.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

I wear my battle scars with pride.


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
I might consider doing so also.
Are you coming up for the fireworks in Cincinnati? I've been informed that a certain former citizen of the USSR will be in Cincinnati on Sunday. :banana:

Hey that's me! I'm doing my best to make it on Sunday :)


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2014
Louisville, KY
Louisville is the only place in ky you will run into any issues open carrying. I live in Louisville and mostly conceal but Louisville is very blue in a red state.

Odd. I OC everywhere (except Costco) and have never had so much as a comment. Couple times in the Highlands folks ask me if "that's a real gun?"

Wow. You are making a huge deal of nothing and completely talking from ignorance.

I did INFORM the person that open carry was legal in ky. I also informed them that there was not a no firearms sign posted. I asked that she speak with her management to clarify the issue because she would lose a lot of business by doing what she was doing.
She makes minimum wage and deals with crappy customers all day. She seemed disinterested in what I had to say.

I have been in Thornton before and after open carrying without issue. So I chalked this one instance up to one ignorant person.

Pick your battles.
I am on your side and you are coming off very combative and rude.
I can just imagine how well you treat people not on your side.

My only point was that you are likely to see more no firearm signs in Louisville and likely to be questioned more.

You have some how devolved it into a fight.

Easy there bro. I hear where you're coming from. Not to derail and make this "private business X said Y and Z", a couple of comments from this handsome guy.
I've been to so many Thorntons and have never had an issue. This MAY be due to most of the folks I see regularly (i.e folks at the park, stores, etc) ASSUME I'm police/military due to my dress. What do I mean by that? I like durable clothes because I have a big dog. Basically heavy canvas cargo pants, usually 5.11, and a tucked in t-shirt. OR, formal wear with my student ID dangling at my belt. They just assume until weeks after knowing me they ask. You are probably not dressed as mall ninja as I am so folks ask rather than assume. Either way, they get used to it. Basically if you're asked to leave do so. But I found that acting cool and just going about my business, I've never been asked to leave (well except that one time at Highland Coffee Company).

Folks around here put up with a lot of rude anti-gun folks. Their straight-shooting old-school men from what I can tell. It's a type of rhetoric and dialogue from a little while before my time (age 27). I can see how it can come across as off-putting, but honestly everyone here means well.

How do we treat folks we don't agree with? No differently than anyone else. Folks can have their views, and believe me they are used to speaking with folks who are, unlike you from what I can tell, rude and stubborn (pardon me folks of this forum for speaking for you out of turn). I have come to learn they have the patience of saints.

As for No-Firearms signs, I don't see them as often as I thought I would. In fact, I make sure to put here about all my experiences, good and bad, regarding firearms. I don't even see signs on places where I KNOW the company has a policy against them. That being said, a few places do prominently have them and these places haven't changed ANY of their doorway signs since the 90's (I'm thinking hospitals, universities, and the like). PM me places in Louisville (preferably Downtown, East End, and Highlands) that have these signs and I'll take a look, probably even talk to the proprieter. Honestly I'm just itching for a good discussion with the fine folks who manage/run the place about their signage. Speaking of which, Highland Coffee company is on my list as soon as I can find out who owns it.

Will edit this message as I continue reading your responses.
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