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Hampton Roads - OC reports


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2010
Yorktown, ,
I have OC'd down in OBX and further south on the islands. The only issue i ever came across was some liberal Canook who made a comment within 30 seconds of me exiting my jeep to start unpacking my camping supplies.

I didnt try to say anything to change his mind, but informed him that i have a right to carry. In my mind i said "Welcome to America, jerk". haha.

oh well....


Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA
OC'd yesterday down Surrender Road in Yorktown. Got out of the car a couple times for # 2 daughter to frolic in the grass or water. A few cars passed us while we were out of the car, but no adverse reactions. A BEAUTIFUL day to be out and about. Same with today, but I'm a bit too sore to walk much today.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2009
Richmond/VA Beach, Virginia, USA
Never know when you may need it!

Last night, about 1am, 1 block from my fiancé's house their was a home invasion. It appears to be a targeted act from the neighborhood intel. Apparently 4 guys kicked down a front door, tied up the husband and wife, held a gun to each of their heads as well as their teenage son's. The perps ran off with cell phones/watches/cash etc. It appears it may be drug related but it hits too close to home, and that is one of the older/nicer neighborhoods in VA Beach.

Just goes to show that you never know when/where you may need protection.

Back on topic: OC'ed to Dick's Sporting Goods, HomeDepot, Lowes, and many other places that I can't remember.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Last night, about 1am, 1 block from my fiancé's house their was a home invasion. It appears to be a targeted act from the neighborhood intel. Apparently 4 guys kicked down a front door, tied up the husband and wife, held a gun to each of their heads as well as their teenage son's. ....

That is why I recommend people OC/CC in the home. Just like my watch, it goes on in the morning and comes off at night, AND sits on the nightstand til the next morning. When someone kicks in the front door you might not have time to run upstairs to fetch it.


Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA

Started the day OCing (like Jim does, around the house and then wherever I go from there) stopped at Congressman Whitman's office to ask for "pocket Constitutions" for #3 daughter's Civics class. At first, I was just going to get them for her own class, but then decided to get enough for ALL his classes. They didn't have enough, so I'll e-mail them and ask for more. The male "receptionist" was helpful and polite. While looking at the wall decorations, I noticed my reflection in the window and realized I was CCing and not OCing. I didn't want to uncover while in the office because that would seem rude to some and possibly "brandishing" to another. Thought about taking them home and having daughter deliver them to the teacher tomorrow or delivering them myself today. Opted to deliver them today. No-C'd at the school after a quick bite at McDonalds. No problems at the Scottish place, not even from the Special Ed (Autistic, to be specific) kids that came in while I was in line. I thought the sight of my Kimber may put one or more of them into low earth orbit, but I was wrong. Two out of three of them were wearing ear protection and the third "wasn't home" as far as I could tell. I spoke to the adults that were with them and told them I thought they were pretty brave to take them out in wide open places where they were so susceptible to "information overload". They were really well-behaved. Better behaved tham a lot of "regular-ed" middle school kids I've seen.

After delivering the Pocket Constitutions, I went down to Yorktown for a waterfront walk. came across another OCer. I'd met him at the grocery store before. He always comes up to me and says "glad to see someone else exercising their rights". Of course, its a challenge for you to notice what he is carrying: a .22 mag revolver with a "pocket clip" in his jeans pocket with the handle barely visible. Talk about BORDERLINE OCing! It was hard to tell the grip was actually the lower receiver of a pistol. He doesn't like OCing. I asked him why and he goes on about "what if there's a bad guy, and he sees you, you're going to be the first one shot..." I reasoned with him and explained that most BGs react completely opposite to what he said. I even gave him anecdotal evidence about some personal experiences, but he didn't seem convinced. It was still a positive interaction. I walked another 10 feet and an older gentleman said "I didn't know you could Open carry here." I said "Of course we can. Why aren't you?" He said he was visiting here from Tennessee and had forgotten to "check the laws before he came". We shared some experiences OCing and he told me about when TN first allowed OC and some people were harassed at WalMart by the police. I told him about Dan's Waterside experience and that some parts of Virginia were "slower" than others to accept OC. I also shared with him that he was visiting about the BEST place he could possibly OC because of our highly supportive Sheriff and his well-trained staff. He was happy to hear about it.

I am sitting on the "porch" of Ben & Jerry's in Yorktown (OCing of course) as I 'type' this using their free wireless connection. No problems from anyone here, but one tourist walked past our table and bumped the chair to my left and didn't say a word after doing so. I'd like to think she was just an aloof or obnoxious tourist rather than an 'anti', but I can't be sure. I said "You're excused" out loud as she walked away, but she was either deaf or 'Option # 2 above'. Either way, she's gone now.

The manager is loading their "store on wheels" for an event in Gloucester tomorrow. Does anyone know anything about a "Chalk Fest" in Gloucester Courthouse (that is the area of the county, not the courthouse proper) Saturday. Maybe something to do this weekend?


Activist Member
Jul 5, 2006
Accomac, Virginia, USA
SNIP.... stopped at Congressman Whitman's office to ask for "pocket Constitutions" for #3 daughter's Civics class. At first, I was just going to get them for her own class, but then decided to get enough for ALL his classes. They didn't have enough, so I'll e-mail them and ask for more.
Good luck with that I stopped by Glenn Nye's local office for a couple copies. They only had 6 copies of which I got two and was informed they tried to get more and weren't able to get anymore. I don't know if it was a temporary thing or not.:confused:


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2009
King George, VA
Been all around.
Michaels, Bottom Dollar, 7-11 by Del Vecchios, Chillis in MacArthur are the places that come to mind first. Not sure any of the 4 mall security guys I passed even noticed my gun. Have yet to have a negative experience there

I don't count OCing to a shooting range as OCing but last Sunday I saw more of it than I ever have before. Dude next to me asked if I shot every day lol. :banana:

Should be headed out to Suffolk Municipal Airport with my big lens later today.
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Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
Last evening my wife and I attended a republican party question-and-answer meeting at Tuscany on Rt. 17 in York County. Tom Gear and Tommy Norment were in the hotseats and Danny Diggs was helping with the set up as well. No one seemed to notice or care that I was OC'ing my Walther PPS in a pancake holster.

Anymore, I think OC in York County has become so "normalized" that I no longer expect any comments or concerns from locals. My hope is that some day, the whole US will be this way, 'tho I know that's a tall order.

In the future, I think I will only post those events in which some visitor or tourist from other areas gets all husky with me over the issue -- or something equally interesting.


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2009
King George, VA
You OC at Chillis in MacArthur mall? I heard you could not carry there, but there is nothing posted about it on their sign so??? :confused:

I walked 3 miles today and OC.
The mall is not posted (neither is Chillis), but there are many reports of people being asked to leave. I haven't been any of the 6 or so times I've OCed there. I don't know if it is because my gun was not noticed, or because they didn't want to ask me to leave.
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Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
In the future, I think I will only post those events in which some visitor or tourist from other areas gets all husky with me over the issue -- or something equally interesting.

No, keep posting. When the "old-timers" (used affectionately) stop posting because they keep OC-ing at the same boring places, young-ens don't see people posting and think that the numbers are dwindling.

Yes posting the same old places can be boring but we need to keep at it! :)


About to head to Chipotle for some burrito goodness! (OC-ing of course)


Regular Member
Jun 24, 2006
Dale City, VA, Virginia, USA
Good luck with that I stopped by Glenn Nye's local office for a couple copies. They only had 6 copies of which I got two and was informed they tried to get more and weren't able to get anymore. I don't know if it was a temporary thing or not.:confused:
Apparently there's a shortage because our "representatives" in Washington have been wiping their butts with them.


Regular Member
Aug 27, 2009
Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Asked to leave Kroger on High St and Tyre Neck Rd in Portsmouth

Well, it finally happened. Last evening my wife and I were grocery shopping in the Kroger in Portsmouth. I was approached by an off duty Portsmouth LEO moonlighting as a security guard. He walked up to me and said, "You can't carry your firearm in here." To which my response was (and what I have since found by searching OCDO), "Yes I can, Kroger's corporate policy is to follow the law of the states they do business in." (Never mind the fact that I've carried my firearm in the store, in front of other off duty police security gurads no less than 20 times in that store) To which he replied, "No they don't I was told specifically that firearms are not allowed in the store." So, my wife and I left a full cart of groceries in the aisle and left....went to Food Lion and Walmart and spent our money there ($271 that Kroger didn't get.) When I came home I went to Kroger's corporate web site and sent an email seeking clarification of their corporate policy, informing them that if that is their policy, they have lost me and my family as customers, and if it isn't their policy, they have a rogue manager passing off his or her own personal beliefs as Kroger corporate policy...will keep you all updated when I get their response.


Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA
... or it could just be an over-zealous LEO that doesn't like the idea of 'regular citizens' carrying. Hopefully it isn't even the store manager, but just one person's opinion. These things happen. Most LEOs I've known have no problem with the public carrying. Some even like it. Then there are the ones that think by wearing a uniform and having that 'authority' they can push their personal agenda on everyone else.

FORTUNATELY, those kind of people are not as prevalent as the others. Sadly, we have some of 'those people' in the highest positions of authority in government and LE. Looks like you managed to find 'one of those people'. We have (or maybe had) one of them in York County, but I think Sheriff Diggs straightened that one out. I still see him around from time to time. He gives me a dirty look, but doesn't tell me where I can and cannot OC anymore.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
snip "Yes I can, Kroger's corporate policy is to follow the law of the states they do business in." snip

I OC at our Kroger here in York County almost every time I go there. About the only time I don't OC is if I stop on the way home from a customer that bans guns in cars (bases).

I think I would have asked to talk to the manager before leaving the cart full of groceries. The security guard could care less someone-else has to put them back and that they lost the business. If the manager confirmed what the security guard said I would then ask the manager to put these items back. (hindsight/Monday-morning-quarterbacking) ;-)

I OC-ed to Walmart and then to the Hampton gun show. They had a pretty good selection of things including ammo and cleaning supplies. I picked up a few and was tempted to get a nicely-priced XDm but withstood the urge. I was looking for some Sig522 22LR rifles for plinking and my daughters and the wide prices they had from $449-$729 was comical. Bud's gun shop has one for $350 plus shipping.

I don't know if it was just me but the dealers seemed a little more grumpy at this show but then again there were the usual very friendly ones.


Regular Member
May 30, 2010
Hampton , Virginia, USA
So I guess this will be my first post on this site. I have been lurking around here for a while now. I visited the Hampton gun show today. Sadly enough i didnt pick up anything new. I did tho get a IWB holster for my XD 40. I carried it around with me today hopefully getting a good deal with a trade or just a buyer. Maybe ill pick something up tomorrow if I end up going again. On another note looking around this site I have learned alot of good information on OC and CC'ing.