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Search results

  1. J

    "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"

    I was looking over the last H.R. 822 hearing and noticed in some of the submitted material a list for "Mayors Against Illegal Guns". Now, I knew Paul Fraim from Norfolk was on that list, but was kinda surprised so see William Sessoms from Virginia Beach on there. I know this is old news to...
  2. J

    Not gun related, but need some help

    I made use of the PA option on my CB radio. During the install of the speaker it was brought to my attention that it was against the law to use them around here (Hampton Roads). I've never heard of that before, and can't find anything on it. I know it's not gun related but you guys are pretty...
  3. J

    Norfolk City Council Super Ward 7

    For those who are interested, I emailed all who were running for this position. All seem to be mostly backed my those on the more liberall side. I got only one response as of this post and she sent it out first thing this morning to me around 7:46AM. Her response sure is better than nothing...
  4. J

    Lets take this city property thing a little further

    imported post Ok, so it has been decided that the Norfolk Scope is city property right? Well we all know at the entrance before going into the gun show there is an officer waiting to make sure your weopon is unloaded and they zip-tie the action to make it unusable. I have never met an officer...
  5. J

    Crappy reporting or made up charge?

    imported post http://hamptonroads.com/2008/12/virginia-beach-police-charge-two-bank-robberies-after-chase Glad they got caught, but I noticed that one of their charges were "Entering a bank while armed". If you look at past articles andcriminal charges, that seems to actually be a common...