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9mm v .40cal


Regular Member
May 7, 2009
Southsider der hey
I am planning on getting an xdm40 compact because my open carry pistol is chambered in .40 so I wont have to have additonal ammo concerns.


Regular Member
Aug 2, 2011
birch bay , washington
Guns are Tools

Guns are tools.
Just think, how many hammers do you have? How many different kind of
saws do you have.
I think you need at least one of each.

I rock .40, but if you prefer 9 NATO, that's cool too.

carry for myself

Regular Member
May 1, 2011
Guns are tools.
Just think, how many hammers do you have? How many different kind of
saws do you have.
I think you need at least one of each.

I rock .40, but if you prefer 9 NATO, that's cool too.

i have no hammers

no saws

lots of sockets :-D

and tons of firepower lol


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
my point was lol

a few years back i had a helwan , i didnt want it or care about it so i traded for a jennings 9. apon getting this paperweight i took it to the range and loaded the mag. i placed a Milk jug about 10 feet away, aimed and fired. the milk jug stood.....i figured i missed so i fired 5 consecutive shots *3 of which jammed*. the milk jug stood.

i called my buddy over and he fired 3 shots. milk jug stood. but i noticed it was firing about 1.3 feet to the left. the sights were level. so i put my bore sighter in it and yep the barrel was off to the left.

during this range trip i attempted to fire 200 rounds. i got 50 off flawlessly. the rest were fail to fire, eject. stovepipe or fail to feed. i took this gun back and traded it outright for a hipoint . and while it went boom.......it was not accurate.

my point was out of a REPUTABLE firearm any round is more deadly because #1 it will go bang. #2 it will go bang more than once without issue #3 it is accurate enough to hit a human target at 10 feet. whereas i have personally seen "cheap" guns not be able to hit the broad side of a barn at 8 feet.

not saying in any way that IF you can get a very cheap flawed gun to fire and fire straight it is not deadly. any round coming at your face is deadly. question is 9 times out of 10.....will a jennings, pheonix or raven arms gun do this? probably not lol

Hmm, this still doesn't address the hipoint comment. Who says they're not deadly? They work. I shot a .380 hipoint and wanted it to suck like everyone on the internet says.... It worked. I recall my Glock jamming a couple times that day while the hipoint functioned flawlessly.

sent from my phone, excuse my grammar/spelling errors


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2010
Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
9mm vs 40cal

I think you're old enough to remember back when all the cops carried .357's. Then for some odd reason they went to 9mm. It wasn't long before they did away with the 9mm and chose 40 cal. There is a reason for this shift. It's called stopping power. That may be a slang term, but you know what I mean. Our military however wants to be PC so they have stuck to the 9mm.

wild boar

Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Beretta m9, field tested.

Some in the military have had things to say that reflected both good and bad on the M9, and the 1911. The 1911 has a longer recovery time, single stack mag, and lots of parts. It is said of the 1911 that if you hit anything but a finger it will go down. The M9 has less recovery time, is less intimidating to shoot, a double stack mag, and only four pieces to remove to field strip. The slide is open so you can easily load without a mag, and the barrel stays cooler. Both are all metal, the M9 is 40 Oz's loaded, so both the M9, and the 1911 are good hand to hand weapons. Whether you shove into someones neck, or hit them in the face, both are very effective. They both fit a gloved hand, and have the same feel. As far as ammo, you can get a very effective round in the 9mm +p, not as much as the 1911 in a .45, but the availability of the 9mm compared to the .40, and .45 makes the 9mm a wiser choice. IMHO, boar out.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2008
Wisconsin, USA
I think you're old enough to remember back when all the cops carried .357's. Then for some odd reason they went to 9mm. It wasn't long before they did away with the 9mm and chose 40 cal. There is a reason for this shift. It's called stopping power. That may be a slang term, but you know what I mean. Our military however wants to be PC so they have stuck to the 9mm.

Nope. The Feds went to 10mm and produced female hormones in response to the recoil of such a manly cartridge. After discovering their newly found estrogen, they begged and pleaded for a less powerful round. Thus the 40 Short and Weak was conceived.
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Regular Member
Sep 24, 2010
Stoughton, WI
I'd opt for 9mm as an alternative to my 45 if I needed to make that choice, simply because practice ammo would be cheaper.

Taurus 709 slim, Kahr CW9, Ruger LC9, and SA XD subcompact (although that's a "fat" gun compared to the others), are all on my check-em-out list.


Regular Member
Apr 7, 2009
Nope. The Feds went to 10mm and produced female hormones in response to the recoil of such a manly cartridge. After discovering their newly found estrogen, they begged and pleaded for a less powerful round. Thus the 40 Short and Weak was conceived.

View attachment 7444Them fella's shoulda tried pushing 180gr. loads thru a .44 in a 8in. barrel; that'll put the lime twist in your Cosmopoliton, I don't care who ya are... :dude:


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
this is my personal take on "this" vs "that" caliber.

whenever somebody tells me that "x-caliber" is not strong enough or big enough for self defense, or does not have enough stopping power, i ask them if i can please shoot them with a 22. i have not yet found a person willing to let me shoot them with a 22. to me that means that it's enough to deter/stop somebody. granted while it may not make somebodies head explode or knock them off their feet and fly back through the air 5 feet like a 45 (ok slightly exaggerated. so that in a movie, or maybe all the movies. LOL), nobody will be happy about getting shot with anything.

therefore a 9mm is more than enough for me, plus it's one of the most common available calibers in pretty much any place the sells ammo, it's the most common carried ammo if for some reason you have to borrow some, or take them off of a dead body during a zombie apocalypse, and and it's often times one of the most common calibers hand gun size available in stores.

personally i couldn't afford to buy 45's for self defense. and i never would get to practice with it. with 9mm, i can actually afford to spend some money on practicing to make sure i'm actually accurate with my gun.

by the way......i like my kel-tec pf9. and i'll be looking for a hi-point, because i can't afford to have cops taking away my guns that i can't afford to replace. so until this state gets to the point that cops leave people alone, i won't let them take away anything other than a hi-point.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2010
Trempealeau County
this is my personal take on "this" vs "that" caliber.

whenever somebody tells me that "x-caliber" is not strong enough or big enough for self defense, or does not have enough stopping power, i ask them if i can please shoot them with a 22. i have not yet found a person willing to let me shoot them with a 22. to me that means that it's enough to deter/stop somebody. granted while it may not make somebodies head explode or knock them off their feet and fly back through the air 5 feet like a 45 (ok slightly exaggerated. so that in a movie, or maybe all the movies. LOL), nobody will be happy about getting shot with anything.

therefore a 9mm is more than enough for me, plus it's one of the most common available calibers in pretty much any place the sells ammo, it's the most common carried ammo if for some reason you have to borrow some, or take them off of a dead body during a zombie apocalypse, and and it's often times one of the most common calibers hand gun size available in stores.

personally i couldn't afford to buy 45's for self defense. and i never would get to practice with it. with 9mm, i can actually afford to spend some money on practicing to make sure i'm actually accurate with my gun.

by the way......i like my kel-tec pf9. and i'll be looking for a hi-point, because i can't afford to have cops taking away my guns that i can't afford to replace. so until this state gets to the point that cops leave people alone, i won't let them take away anything other than a hi-point.

Well, hello Scorpio.Sure has been awhile.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
whenever somebody tells me that "x-caliber" is not strong enough or big enough for self defense, or does not have enough stopping power, i ask them if i can please shoot them with a 22. i have not yet found a person willing to let me shoot them with a 22. to me that means that it's enough to deter/stop somebody.

That tells you that the .22 has enough stopping power? The .22LR has long term effects that will kill you in the hospital 8 hours later - which is why no one would be willing just to get shot to prove a point, sure, they could prove to you that it doesn't knock them down...but they'll die hours later...

And for the record, if you give me a bullet resistant vest I will take the shot. I always thought it would be cool to put a vest on and feel the power of the 9mm, 40, and 45. Sure it would hurt like hell, but I would decide based off that what caliber I'd want to carry ;)


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
I can highly recommend the .40 caliber Taurus PT 740 Slim.

I've carried .380, 9mm, .357 Mag, and .45 handguns...but this particular pistol has become my EDC because it really carries nicely due to it's compact and slim design; and because .40 S&W seems to be the preferential round for law enforcement officers.

Mine has never failed to function properly and is extremely accurate at self-defense ranges.

Lifetime warranty and extra magazine, too.

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Regular Member
Jan 5, 2010
Trempealeau County
I bought a few of these to use for my PT145, but it is just alittle too big for some of my shirts. They were not cheap so I hate to let them just sit in my holster draw, thus I'm shopping for a gun that would work well.

I think I am going with the Tuarus 740 Slim, but I will check out other recommendations. It is heavier than the LC9, so I imagine it will handle better if it has more mass.

.40 has more stopping power, that is what I am going with. If Taurus made a 710 Slim, I would get that.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
That tells you that the .22 has enough stopping power? The .22LR has long term effects that will kill you in the hospital 8 hours later - which is why no one would be willing just to get shot to prove a point, sure, they could prove to you that it doesn't knock them down...but they'll die hours later...

And for the record, if you give me a bullet resistant vest I will take the shot. I always thought it would be cool to put a vest on and feel the power of the 9mm, 40, and 45. Sure it would hurt like hell, but I would decide based off that what caliber I'd want to carry ;)

it was more meant along the lines of "in a normal self defense situation". most criminals don't go out purposely looking for a crime that will get them shot, but for a "crime of opportunity" in which they believe that they can get in and out clean without any confrontation or retaliation. as soon as they hear the sound of a gun (such as a shotgun being pumped in a home defense situation), or even worse the sound of a gun shot, "most" criminals won't stick around to find out what caliber it is. hell "most" "common" criminals (purse snatchers, burglars, etc..etc..) will run at the mere sight of a barrel being pointed at them. they're not going to look long enough to decide what size caliber it is, or if it's big enough to take them out or not. they were hoping for a quick buck, and the fact that a barrel is pointed at them screwed that up.

personally i don't want to carry with the hopes of getting to use it. i carry with the hope NEVER to need it, and if i do have to draw, that them seeing the possibility of a strong defense will make them turn and run rather than to proceed with their original plan.

would i choose a 22 over a 9mm??? not if i had a choice. if a 22 was my only available option....hell yeah. something is better than nothing. anything bigger than 9mm??? un-necessary in my opinion.

if i find myself in a situation where i'm defending myself against people with body armor, then i probably have bigger problems than what size caliber i'm carrying. but that's just me.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
it was more meant along the lines of "in a normal self defense situation". most criminals don't go out purposely looking for a crime that will get them shot, but for a "crime of opportunity" in which they believe that they can get in and out clean without any confrontation or retaliation.

Well, you did say since no one wants to be shot by .22 that it must have good stopping power. I was just saying that is not the case, a silly statement.

Perhaps 'most" criminals do look for easy targets and flee at the sight of a gun, but it is important to keep in mind that active shooter situations are happening every couple months (so it seems, every time i turn on the news it's like a psycho went into a place, unloaded on a bunch of people then off'd themselves). If you find yourself in a shoot out with some nut who doesn't fear death the .22LR may be the last thing you want. I'll take the .50AE :)