Regular Member
You might wish to excuse yourself to the restroom, as your Holier-Than-Thou is showing.
I happen to be of a particular subset: American, Caucasian, Conservative, Male, Owns firearms, Open Carries on a daily basis.
We are the basis for comedy routines the world over, with very few exceptions.
And you may have not noticed this, but we do kind of tend to get picked on and joked about...a lot. By, oh I don't know, pretty much everyone, to include those within our own borders.
According to you, we have to take it and like it.
We are expected to just smile and nod, and never say a wrong word about anyone else at any time for any reason. On that I call Shenanigans.
Unless you pay my bills or sleep in my bed, I really don't care what you think.
I will not engage you further on this sub-topic.
In the words of a long standing, famous internet meme; "Umadbro?".
No one gives a darn about white, republican, male gun owners being picked on or not. And I for one, being a White, Libertarian, Male, Firearm-owning, Open carrying, Ethnically German-American American, enjoy seeing people like you get bent out of shape when someone treats you the same way you treat others.
So, once again... You mad, bro?