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Good to see CA firearm control initiatives are working so well


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
1 July 19 FOX 6 quote
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California’s new ammunition background check law began Monday not with a bang but with a whimper from dealers who reported delays and glitches with the state’s online system.

But they said few customers were affected because most had stockpiled bullets or shotgun shells in the weeks before the new law took effect.

Voters in 2016 approved requiring criminal background checks for every ammunition purchase. But the state’s latest attempt to deter gun violence only took effect Monday.

Vendors the length of California were frustrated by online snags including their inability to readily log in to the new system that is supposed to let them background-check customers with the state, though some put it down to a predicable learning curve.

Officials with the state Department of Justice, which administers the program, did not respond to repeated telephone and email requests for comment. The department said in a news release that it had sent vendors regulations and instructions on how to comply. unquote

As Burns stated,
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
California, the State that keep on giving.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that what governments (all of them) "give" with one hand (program/agency) is something they have already "taken" with the other hand (another program/agency)?
The problem is that there is that inevitable "loss" (costs) along the way so you never get an equal amount back.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
No gov gives anything to the people.
It only returns, small amounts of what it has stolen by threat of force in the first place.
That includes, money ,and rights.
Gov has nothing of its own , not money nor land save a,few,acres the contitution specified for the seat of gov.
Eveything else it claims it has stolen.