The things that strike me as the most bizzare in any of this-no matter what side one takes on the matter- is that anyone with 2 living brain cells is giving these "protesters" a moment's thought at all these days.
It's the 21st century, for Christ's sake.
In America.
We are'nt repressed goat-herders or rock-farmers in some 3rd or 4th -world hellhole in Africa, or the Middle East.
As FUBAR as things are around here these days, we still arent as bad off as about 2/3rd's of the rest of the world, by a long-shot. (granted here, as over there, most of the FUBAR'ing is entirely SELF-INFLICTED,to begin with...)
Have our people not evolved in their methods of "making a statement" or just plain protesting to be protesting (even if half of those protesting anything could actually articulate WHAT they are protesting...) beyond 1960's tactics?
With modern tech, communications and the internet, are there not more effective ways of "getting a message" out, than standing out in the streets making an ass of ones' self?
Do these folks actually think most of us see them out there and stop and think to ourselves "wow, those folks are SAYING something...perhaps I should listen.." ???
No, most of us roll our eyes, and maybe hang around a minute or two hoping to see some tear-gassing begin....or at least think to ourselves, "what a bunch of idiots.."
Local example though: Some local yahoos and "doh! I totally missed-out on that cool-looking 60's/hippie thing" types tried to get this OWS crap started at a couple of locations around here. It fizzled before it could even get off the ground.
About 15 or so people showed up at the "occupation location" stood around for a few minutes, visibly dissappointed at their lack of numbers and effect, going "wtf, where IS everyone?".
Passerby honked thier horns and gave them the finger, almost universally, until they packed it in and sauntered off to wherever dejected hippy wannabes go..(poetry reading? yoga class? their kid's soccer game? who knows..)
The whole thing- whatever "good intentions" Im sure some of them feel like they have, just strikes me as pathetic.
If I were the Yemeni goat-molester protesting in his situation, reading about this on google, I'd be shaking my head in wonder/...