By the way, this is what a-holes say when they know they are being a-holes but don't want to take responsibility for being an a-hole.
Just admit that you're over critical and want to use your limited knowledge to belittle other people. At least then you'd be honest.
I think you want me to be sorry that our classes don't meet your criteria. Tough titties.
sorry you feel that way, but am truly just curious trying to gauge the caliber of your training material which allows the good citizens of CO to obtain their certification to process their state permit which is valid in the great state of NC and many other states in the nation.
just curious trying to discern if your 5K graduates are even qualified to handle a firearm after completion of your self developed 4-hour course, which one would presume covers at a minimum the state's laws of deadly force, firearm safety issues, uh, oh right appropriate shooting techniques, and one would hope include life fire for the students.
all in four hours...
like i said, not an arsehole, as you purport but just curious...
as well as very very concerned...
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