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Trump Administration Imposes Ban on Bump Stocks

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Here is the proposed reg.

The National Rifle Association, the gun-rights lobby, did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the new rule or its intentions. In the immediate aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre, the N.R.A. supported an A.T.F. review of bump stock devices, seemingly breaking with its usual practice of fiercely opposing any new restrictions on legal access to firearms. At the time, it said it “believes that devices designed to allow semiautomatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”
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New member
Dec 18, 2018
Gibson, Georgia
That’s too bad, but understandable. A friend of mine brought his to the range, a number of years ago, it was fun. Although, even at the time, I failed to see the usefulness, aside from the novelty of it.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
It looks like bumpban was dreamed up by some misguided 2A apologists (never apologize folks, when you're on the correct side of an issue) as the most expendable part of the body to cut off in attempted appeasement (never attempt appeasement, never works) in case the liberal and media gun control frenzy got too strong. Along with age 21 and ERPO to form a gun control appeasement triad.

Some brave geniuses in our amazing wonderful (lose-at-all-costs) NRA and GOP decided to start pushing this emergency contingency appeasement plan when they were in full nominal control of the government and had little to worry about, just an anti themed media campaign rewarding mass shooters with nonstop coverage. After Vegas, Trump was worried about the optics and bought into antibump, and got the official government ban process started that culminated with today's news. Sadly I believe someone from NRA actually pushed that idea. After Florida, the whole triad came out, Mitch held firm that a simple majority didn't matter for legislation, and Pam was selling Trump on ERPO.

The GOA also is currently prepping a lawsuit against the bumpban unless they just join the same one:


Remember this bumpban has been in the works many months; still the rest of the triad to worry about. All of the triad measures are dangerous and antiConstitutional on their own merits, but even more so when we ask (A) what's the next part to be deemed sort-of expendable? and (B) if that's how far they try to appease when in control and no actual pressure to compromise, how much further when Congress is split? So if you thought 2019 would be the year to relax and stop contacting politicians, guess again.

We need to remind Trump of that rough month he had from gun owners after flirting with 2A compromise before, offer carrot and stick. He likes winning, so appeal to that instinct. No winning path for a GOP or conservative except with gun owners fully on board. Congress has some real pro losers and fakes, winning is an alien concept for some, but they all should hear from us next year to remind them who their constituents are.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
remember the dying HR 38 Reciprocity act..
SEC. 206. Attorney General report on use of bump stocks in crime.

(a) In general.—Using amounts made available for research, evaluation, or statistical purposes, within 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall prepare and submit to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a written report that—

(1) specifies the number of instances in which a bump stock has been used in the commission of a crime in the United States;

(2) specifies the types of firearms with which a bump stock has been so used; and

(3) contains the opinion of the Attorney General as to whether subparagraphs (B)(i) and (C)(i) of section 924(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code, apply to all instances in which a bump stock has been used in the commission of a crime of violence in the United States.

(b) Definition of bump stock.—In this section, the term “bump stock” means a device that—

(1) attaches to a semiautomatic rifle (as defined in section 921(a)(28) of title 18, United States Code);

(2) is designed and intended to repeatedly activate the trigger without the deliberate and volitional act of the user pulling the trigger each time the firearm is fired; and

(3) functions by continuous forward pressure applied to the rifle’s fore end in conjunction with a linear forward and backward sliding motion of the mechanism utilizing the recoil energy when the rifle is discharged.

unquote https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/38/text

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Bump-stock ban has gun-rights advocates up in arms
"We are disappointed that this final rule fails to address the thousands of law-abiding Americans who relied on prior ATF determinations when lawfully acquiring these devices," NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker said.
So NRA, where is your lawsuit? Oh I see, you're not against the banning of the bump stock, you're against making it a crime for those that purchased them legally.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
It's a flat out infringement. It's 100% unconstitutional. Just like the NFA and the machine gun restriction. It's all unconstitutional. We are the ones to blame- we continue to put people in office that do NOT respect our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Each day we go from freedom to subservient.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Hammer I agree. But remember this is nothing new; it's the culmination of a long DOJ/ATF process - the decisions and actions were made last year and earlier this year. THAT is when Trump broke his promise or at least went astray on the issue; sadly following the direction of the most prominent gun owner organization, so they have to bear part of the blame. They had a responsibility to provide sound policy advice and I'm not sure whether he understood all the ramifications at the time. The real question is whether Trump got the message from real 2A gun owners after the last time he flirted with the dark triad policies.

I don't consider NYT a reliable source when it comes to anything gun related, but that part is true - I can vouch that I saw the NRA connection from the horse's mouth. I wouldn't put too much trust in the NYT's further characterization, but yes NRA was at the heart of this particular policy. Here is the infamous "joint statement" after Vegas and you can make your own characterization:


"Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks. ... In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved. Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations. ... we urge Congress to pass National Right-to-Carry reciprocity"

Almost self-contradictory. My interpretation is: The media frenzy is scaring us, so despite the admitted futility of banning guns we are wimping out and calling on ATF to regulate gun parts which is the same faulty principle and a slippery slope for future regulation. We irrationally hope this red herring of bump stocks will keep the antis busy with minimal collateral damage.

So that was NRA's action and Trump's action 1 year ago, betraying older promises and expectations. Now it's time for Trump, NRA, and GOP to hear from all of us again to hopefully reinforce and remind them of what we said then - or for some people maybe this will be the first time, just go ahead and make that contact, don't be the silent majority. Most of us are or have been NRA members at some point, right? They need feedback just as much as the White House does. I don't see Trump going to GOA for advice; the NRA is the big one and he relies on the leading voices in a policy area. So either make something like GOA bigger or make NRA smarter! :unsure:


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
IIRC, when bumpstocks first came out, they said it was meant as an assist for shooters with certain disabilities. When others found what they could do with them when they weren't disabled, that's when the "fun" began.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
This is USE of bumpstock is relevant to handguns right, otherwise, if memory serves LG discussion is a rule violation.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Don't you mean *G? Even if it's been a **** morning, please take a **** look at your posts, and be sure not to discuss **** guns. :censored::D

Yep - bump stocks are not in a vacuum, this is one of the 3 current front lines of government overreach. Either win the battle on the front lines or it'll spread to much more sidearm-relevant, OC-relevant areas.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Yeah, that was dumb. Plenty of videos out there on how to bump fire your semi-auto rifle merely by holding your hands and trigger finger in a certain, rigid position.

OR, take a wooden dowel 8-12" long, and stick it through the trigger guard and press the end against your hip. Pull the gun forward with your "off" hand on/under the fore-end and let the recoil push it back to reset the trigger.
Unfortunately, your hip/leg area will get sore quickly.