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VCDL and PVC in the news


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
I haven't explored the details of the proposal, and I will leave that to the VA folks.

"Yesterday, in the first event of its kind in Virginia, 300 to 400 gun rights supporters crowded into the plaza outside of Northern Virginia’s Alexandria City Municipal Center to protest a planned vote by the town council there to ban firearms in their city parks, municipal center and plazas next week."


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
As long as cops enforce these anti-liberty laws and ordinances elected critters will enact them...ironic, cops will follow the orders of those who want to abolish their line of work...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
i wonder, out loud of course...

why does VCDL, such an august firearm advocate organization, have such a disorganized website...

click on news and accomplishments ~ 2017 lobby day
click on about, accomplishments ~ nothing listed for 2020
click on media ~ 2016 picnic
click on home ~ june 13 alexandria rally
right below the june 13 blurb ~ "2020 legislative session" with the following

"We will be posting the legislative voting record for the 2020 session around the end of May, 2020."

yet nothing on their site!


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
i wonder, out loud of course...

why does VCDL, such an august firearm advocate organization, have such a disorganized website...

click on news and accomplishments ~ 2017 lobby day
click on about, accomplishments ~ nothing listed for 2020
click on media ~ 2016 picnic
click on home ~ june 13 alexandria rally
right below the june 13 blurb ~ "2020 legislative session" with the following

"We will be posting the legislative voting record for the 2020 session around the end of May, 2020."

yet nothing on their site!

They are NOT tech-savvy in a tech-savvy world.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Being tech-savvy and keeping a website up to date by the minute is not the same as being effective.

Gathering people in support on short notice and publicizing events is far more effective than pandering to keyboard warriors.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
KB, guess you missed the thread out on this very site where VCDL's effectiveness before and after their infamous 2020 Lobbying day was discussed?

further, in today's tech savvy generation...one would presume to keep up the currency of objective evidence of things done well rather relying on past unverifiable results.

as for pandering to keyboard warriors...nice of you to wave the flag two days after the fact...eh?

finally, the ability to gather large groups on short notice, especially at the end of an overseer mandatory ordered stay at home hiatus is not surprising whatsoever...

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Being tech-savvy and keeping a website up to date by the minute is not the same as being effective.

Gathering people in support on short notice and publicizing events is far more effective than pandering to keyboard warriors.
...not by the minute...daily...webpages, up to date web pages, are the foundation of attracting customers to more rapid platforms.

Nobody, who are unfamiliar with VCDL, will wade through a tweeter feed, a facebook page, looking for background info on any organization...let alone VCDL...well maintained and up to date webpages remain the foundation of any successful organization.

Walmart does not rely upon tweeter or facebook to attract customers...nor should VCDL rely upon facebook alone to attract members.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
i wonder, out loud of course...

why does VCDL, such an august firearm advocate organization, have such a disorganized website...

click on news and accomplishments ~ 2017 lobby day
click on about, accomplishments ~ nothing listed for 2020
click on media ~ 2016 picnic
click on home ~ june 13 alexandria rally
right below the june 13 blurb ~ "2020 legislative session" with the following

"We will be posting the legislative voting record for the 2020 session around the end of May, 2020."

yet nothing on their site!


They have an organizational structure that refuses to delegate, or to recognize and seek newly developing skills. The webmaster, bless his heart, is the webmaster despite the fact there are dozens in the organization who have design and web skills. The Board is reluctant to adopt anything it cannot have one of its seven members do, and to do anything different than what has worked for the past 30 years. Suggestions for change are usually met with "shut up and color". When they say "if you need something that needs doing, step up and do it" that doesn't apply to internal functions.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
They have an organizational structure that refuses to delegate, or to recognize and seek newly developing skills. The webmaster, bless his heart, is the webmaster despite the fact there are dozens in the organization who have design and web skills. The Board is reluctant to adopt anything it cannot have one of its seven members do, and to do anything different than what has worked for the past 30 years. Suggestions for change are usually met with "shut up and color". When they say "if you need something that needs doing, step up and do it" that doesn't apply to internal functions.

milady thank you so much for the candid insight, tis sincerely appreciated...

please enjoy the gala holiday weekend with family & friends...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
They have an organizational structure that refuses to delegate, or to recognize and seek newly developing skills. The webmaster, bless his heart, is the webmaster despite the fact there are dozens in the organization who have design and web skills. The Board is reluctant to adopt anything it cannot have one of its seven members do, and to do anything different than what has worked for the past 30 years. Suggestions for change are usually met with "shut up and color". When they say "if you need something that needs doing, step up and do it" that doesn't apply to internal functions.
This analysis is true of 99% of organizations.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
VCDL is in decline as the Roman Empire declined...when the barbarians are at the gate VCDL...are they not at the gate now?...will have long ago lost all ability to defend the Empire...comfortable VCDL is in the old ways...


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
VCDL is in decline as the Roman Empire declined...when the barbarians are at the gate VCDL...are they not at the gate now?...will have long ago lost all ability to defend the Empire...comfortable VCDL is in the old ways...
Boogaloo Bois Boogerman Battalion is ascendant, wearing their Hawaiian shirts and gaggling under their Pepe flag. Praise KEK.

PARLER can post the truth.

Democracy is in decline as Ancient Athens Greece declined. Read The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes (Blackwell, 1991) by Mogens Herman Hansen, based on his Det Athenske Demokrati i 4. årh. Kr. I-IV (Copenhagen 1977-81) lest one think Hanse influenced by contemporary politics or anti-intellectual ignorance.