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Taken down at gun point at Greenlake today.

Right Wing Wacko

Campaign Veteran
Aug 11, 2007
Marysville, Washington, USA
If the Signs are still up at Seattle Parks that reference the overturned Gun Ban Ordinance, wouldn't that put the city in Contempt of Court? If I recall they were ordered to remove all those signs within 30 days!


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2011
Duvall, Washington
At least 2 of us will be there. I hope that we can get some support from here too. I'm leaving Duvall at 11 and should be there a bit early. I will be the white Guy with a Glock.


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2008
OK Ive had enough!

You all are not aware but you all have been decieved as to this incident and the OP.I have information from myself other reliable sources that call to question the the op'S account of said incident.
You have been decieved as to who this really is.The person going by the name of SANCHEZ was also known as seattleri007.He was kicked off the board for threats to me and others and here is an example of a post in 09 with the link so check it yourself when He reacted to a post I made calling him on his attitude.This wasn't the last time....

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Join Date
Jun 2009
, Washington, USA
imported post
Dear Deros, Go **** yourself! People told me you like to be the center of attention. I carry my gunreversed on my left hip because for 14 years I carried it on my right.I have long arms and its easier to draw across, and its eaiser to defend that way, and its eaiser to get to my back up. So go **** yourself old man,and have another cigerrette bitch and hopefully your 4th heartattack will kill your dumb ass. I personally think your suffering side effects from your Viagra. And in closing how is lifedown there in the poor hood with the black drug dealers,guess you couldn't do any better!

There were further posts threatening me leading to the administrator having him banned from the board in about march of 2010.I remember that because I was at my daughters recovering from open heart surgery.Going back to some of the OP's posts they all have a theme of trying to get attention and per some I have talked to this incident was not different.Also the fact that he decieved all of you in hiding is true identity demonstates to me no change in this behavior pattern.
GOGODAWGS sent a PM to SANCHEZ and the retun pM was signed ERIC aka seattleric007.
It amazes me many of you wanted to jump on this bandwagon without further investigation.Many of us that have been around Open Carry and have put open carry in the news in the past couple of years have made great strides in establishing a positive image.Thsi isn't the first time he has been contacted. How is it so many of us have walked around oc for years now and have never had an issue with police and even had photos with the attorney general with cops around and not a word was said.We had our Willow Lake event last week and no one called the cops.Interesting. For you new guys check with people that know before you jump on sonmeones bandwagon!
So we will not be at Greenlake this weekend!

The individual in the yellow is SANCHEZ aka seattleric007[/B]
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Bill Starks

State Researcher
Dec 27, 2007
Nortonville, KY, USA

Before some of you run off half cocked there are some questions that need to be answered. Who is this guy? With less that 50 posts I want to know more about this person. I have asked for info from JSanchez and have not received it. Have we received a copy of the FOIA report? Has anyone actually talked to JSanchez face to face? Is he new to carrying a firearm? new to OC?

Look, I'm not trying to run this thing but recently it has come to my attention that we got burned on a past event involving a member of this site but luckily we didn't get any bad press from it. Info that we were told of the incident does not match the report. I for one am taking this incident serious but proceeding with caution and I suggest that everyone else do the same. The last thing we need is bad press on a bad event.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2011
You all are not aware but you all have been decieved as to this incident and the OP.I have information from myself other reliable sources that call to question the the op'S account of said incident.
You have been decieved as to who this really is.The person going by the name of SANCHEZ was also known as seattleri007.He was kicked off the board for threats to me and others and here is an example of a post in 09 with the link so check it yourself when He reacted to a post I made calling him on his attitude.This wasn't the last time....

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Join Date
Jun 2009
, Washington, USA
imported post
Dear Deros, Go **** yourself! People told me you like to be the center of attention. I carry my gunreversed on my left hip because for 14 years I carried it on my right.I have long arms and its easier to draw across, and its eaiser to defend that way, and its eaiser to get to my back up. So go **** yourself old man,and have another cigerrette bitch and hopefully your 4th heartattack will kill your dumb ass. I personally think your suffering side effects from your Viagra. And in closing how is lifedown there in the poor hood with the black drug dealers,guess you couldn't do any better!

There were further posts threatening me leading to the administrator having him banned from the board in about march of 2010.I remember that because I was at my daughters recovering from open heart surgery.Going back to some of the OP's posts they all have a theme of trying to get attention and per some I have talked to this incident was not different.Also the fact that he decieved all of you in hiding is true identity demonstates to me no change in this behavior pattern.
GOGODAWGS sent a PM to SANCHEZ and the retun pM was signed ERIC aka seattleric007.
It amazes me many of you wanted to jump on this bandwagon without further investigation.Many of us that have been around Open Carry and have put open carry in the news in the past couple of years have made great strides in establishing a positive image.Thsi isn't the first time he has been contacted. How is it so many of us have walked around oc for years now and have never had an issue with police and even had photos with the attorney general with cops around and not a word was said.We had our Willow Lake event last week and no one called the cops.Interesting. For you new guys check with people that know before you jump on sonmeones bandwagon!
So we will not be at Greenlake this weekend!

The individual in the yellow is SANCHEZ aka seattleric007[/B]

Ok Regarding the incident it would appear that atleast the EXAMINER seems to have evidence the incident was placed. It would seem to me there is no evidence suggesting the OP made up the incident. It would seem to me that SPD handled the situation poorly.

Now if Sanches was in fact Seattle007 and was banned... then Sanchez needs to be banned again. Ok I get that. But to say dont support his defense from unlawful SPD activity... I think your take on this is a bit biased and you seem worked up. I personally dont care if the person has a bad attitude and was kicked from the forum. If he was treated poorly not too mention ILLEGALLY by SPD then his case still holds weight in this forum yes? In todays anti gun world can we be so bold as to remain silent against illegal anti gun activity just because we dont like the person? I say we wait for the FOIA to come back before we start slamming people and turning our backs on them. Have sanchez removed from the forum... that much I can level with. But I encourage you to stay objective and look at the grand scheme of things, instead of personal past occurences


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Tukwila, WA, ,
Ok Regarding the incident it would appear that atleast the EXAMINER seems to have evidence the incident was placed. It would seem to me there is no evidence suggesting the OP made up the incident. It would seem to me that SPD handled the situation poorly.

Now if Sanches was in fact Seattle007 and was banned... then Sanchez needs to be banned again. Ok I get that. But to say dont support his defense from unlawful SPD activity... I think your take on this is a bit biased and you seem worked up. I personally dont care if the person has a bad attitude and was kicked from the forum. If he was treated poorly not too mention ILLEGALLY by SPD then his case still holds weight in this forum yes? In todays anti gun world can we be so bold as to remain silent against illegal anti gun activity just because we dont like the person? I say we wait for the FOIA to come back before we start slamming people and turning our backs on them. Have sanchez removed from the forum... that much I can level with. But I encourage you to stay objective and look at the grand scheme of things, instead of personal past occurences

I agree with most of what you said. I have met both DEROS and JSAN and also heard a bit about their past. I thought they were done with that child BS. Apparently not. Let's wait for SPD to get back to us, (if they ever will), and go from there.


1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

Ilooked at seattleric007 profile, said birthdate is nov, 30.
jsanchez said janurary somptin, somptin....

Now if greenisfaster has actually met jsanchez?
where did you meet him?
was he the tall skinny guy in deross' pic?
i met seattleric007 at a meet once, he is distictive in appearance!


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2011
Duvall, Washington
Dementia from SGN will be there with his family. I'm going to visit with him and make my donation to his wife's breast cancer fund raiser. I will not be the press talker nor spokesman for OCDO. If you see me say hi.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Tukwila, WA, ,
Ilooked at seattleric007 profile, said birthdate is nov, 30.
jsanchez said janurary somptin, somptin....

Now if greenisfaster has actually met jsanchez?
where did you meet him?
was he the tall skinny guy in deross' pic?
i met seattleric007 at a meet once, he is distictive in appearance!

Yup that is him. He was at the 2a rally, seattle mayor inaugural thingy, the ceasefire thing near pike place market, and he was at the previous willow lake meet! < the fact he showed up to that one made me think him and deros were done beefing. m1 I think even posted up a pic of the highway cleanup crew and he was there. My encounters with him were very normal and respectable (as with deros also), I saw no sign of BSing. Him getting a different username is just him trying to stay active in the oc community without the plagued name. deros doesn't want to let things go me thinks.

I never take anyone on a forum whom I haven't met or have proof exists seriously, but I met the guy and I don't have any reason to think he's BSing. I got no time for green lake this weekend, but I'll sure as hecks be down for some trout later!

So like what has been said above, JUST WAIT FOR INFO. Geez. If it turns out he is bsing then unleash whatever you want, but don't be so quick on someones throat.

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

I am more confused and conflicted than ever...
sorry green, but your post seemed indistinct and confusing to me, im old and feeble minded.

007 was an ocdo member from june 09 to march 10,
he could have been at willow lake aug 09, But I met 007 at spanaway july 10 as 007.

in this post Something came out at Spanaway event. Is Open Carry a white thing?
he talks about being hispanic, and also talks about meeting and talking to deros72 about white guys.
seems to me that deros would remember the difference between 007 and a hispanic guy named jshanchez!

seattleric007 claims he was born nov 30,
jsanchez claims he was born jan 7, 1970, But in 1 of his posts claims he is 46 yr old, bad math?

jsanchez has been in ocdo since may 10, but in july 10 seattleric007 was still meeting folks using the 007 name.

many of us have met seattleric007, and he has been nice and personable, even deros pointed him out,
without being overtly upset that he was at the meet with us.

Has Anybody Ever Really Met A Hispanic Guy That Said His Name Was JSANCHEZ?????
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1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA
And More!!!!

If jsanchez was born in 1970, But claims he is 46. will he come back and tell us ,,,, why???
I met 007, but I think he is 35 yr old at most!! and he is not hispanic!!
writing styles dont seem to matchup..
007 and deros got into a tiff, but that has seemed to be over.


Regular Member
May 9, 2010
Yes and Yes.

Yes. This incident did happen at greenlake and I have told you guys the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god. Yes I use to be Seattleric007 and I was banned. Deros and I have gone round and round a long time ago. I thought we were past that but I guess Deros cant forgive me. I learned from that episode and have behaved myself as Jsanchez.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 3, 2008
Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States
Yes. This incident did happen at greenlake and I have told you guys the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god. Yes I use to be Seattleric007 and I was banned. Deros and I have gone round and round a long time ago. I thought we were past that but I guess Deros cant forgive me. I learned from that episode and have behaved myself as Jsanchez.

I will vouch for the fact that the behavior of Jsanchez is vastly different from that of Seattleric007. I said as much to Deros when he informed me that they are the same person.

I see no reason, as of yet, to disbelieve Eric about the incident at Greenlake. BUT I feel the need to point out that if some of our members can put the pieces together, so can SPD, and when (not if) they do all of Eric's posts will be available to taint his reputation, honesty, and testimony.

That is why it's so important that Eric have an eye witness to the event.

Before he was banned, Eric and I had a discussion about why it's important to conduct yourself "properly" on the forum, and to be careful about exactly what you say. Maybe now he understands what I was trying to tell him. In fact, I think he got it then.

I won't be at Greenlake today because I'll be pulling some overtime, but Eric will have my support (innocent until proven guilty,right?) until it can be proved that he HAS deceived us.

Stay strong. Keep marchin' !
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Regular Member
May 5, 2010
Renton, Washington, USA
I think we should wait until we have a copy of the FOIA report before rushing to judgement. I do not support a demonstration at Green Lake at this time; we do not have all the facts yet.

Wishing for someone to die or threatening them is NOT "a little tiff!" You do not do that to a person, then turn around and expect that person to be cordial to you!

He has deceived the members on this board by not being honest about who he is in the very beginning. He has deceived the admins as well and I hope he is banned again. Given his past history, why should we believe anything that comes out of his mouth? Yes, people do change. But him even being on this board started as a deception, by deceiving the admins.

How is it that Deros and Gogodawgs and others have OCed in Seattle and surrounding areas with no problem, yet this guy is "taken down" at Green Lake? I am not buying it, not just yet. Have there been any other instances of OCers being detained and questioned at gun point by SPD in the recent past? Was his behavior as innocent as he says it was? There are a lot of questions that have no answers at this time. I see the same desire for attention and drama that I saw with Seattleeric. If it turns out that I am wrong, I am happy to apologize. If he is right and it happened the way he says it did, then we have a serious problem with SPD.

I am not making a judgement call, just expressing an opinion. Time will tell.


Opt-Out Members
Nov 22, 2006
Yakima, Washington, USA
As most of you know I have outed a few on this forum for B.S. post along with Public Records Request to Making phone calls to verify information.
All of these had vague reference to verifiable information and inflated ones own ego.
In this case I personally have not seen any alarms go off as for one thing he posted it occurred on 8/21 with the following;

An incident # was generated and it is 11-274592. The officers involved were Shilipeyar #5183, Kamalu #5990, and Hargraves #2974. The youngest officer was Kamalu, who by the way was the officer that responded to the shooting at Folklife a couple of years ago, so I was told by the supervisor.

This is all verifiable and I really did not read anything boosting his ego and so on in his post.

I do not know him nor do remember interacting with him in any previous nicknames or this one as well but see there had some been some issues of concern that was dealt with in some fashion, which I have had some similar type threats and they are still here as members today, so as to be being banned again, I feel some consideration needs to be taken for his actions as well and not just for the negative.

The demonstration today or should say the gathering should go about what they normally have done at a park any other day and await the Public Records Request come through which usually comes through in about 30 days.
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Dave Workman

Regular Member
May 23, 2007
, ,

As many of you read here the other day, I quoted both Eric's original post, and the officer's narrative.

It was after 'joerocket' questioned the title of this thread and its correlation to the events as described that Eric offered further elaboration. I wrote about that here:


Make up your own minds about the events.

And as an aside...
It is probably time to ratchet back a couple of notches on this. I think paying attention to what Ruby says above is prudent. I had the pleasure of meeting Ruby the other day at the Willow Lake barbecue.

Further — and it has nothing to do with how I further cover this issue — if somebody wished me dead from a heart attack on a public forum, I'm not too sure I'd forget about that.
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2011
Duvall, Washington
After some friendly advice, I will not be heading to Green Lake. I did open carry today at Redmond's Farmers market this morning. Great blackberries.

I had not planned on any demonstration or protest. Just meeting fellow gun owners.