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TSA begins random road inspections in Tennessee, First State To Fight Terrorism Stat


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
Well yeah we are supposed to have a military and "provide for the common defence".:rolleyes: You should know by now that I'm decently well versed in what "should" be going on. To the point, there's plenty of superfluous spending to be cut but they don't want to cut a dime. What's superfluous is arguable of course. On your other points, corporate welfare for the R's and personal welfare for the D's. what's the difference? They're still stealing our money. The myths are that R's are not welfare supporters and are for small government, and that D's care about civil liberties and are anti war. Empirically proven false.

Did I suggest any corporate welfare is ok? I usually associate that with dems because it was a D controlled congress that has passed most of it.

Edit: I'm not making you; you have free will right?
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Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
I don't have any scripture that teaches me that and I'm not sure why you feel like you need to put god in caps. Are you attempting to make a jab at me?

No jab intended, friend.

I always put GOD in all caps as a form of personal reverence for His Name.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
I don't have any scripture that teaches me that and I'm not sure why you feel like you need to put god in caps. Are you attempting to make a jab at me?

Don't forget some people like being slaves and being told what they can do.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
I am, unashamedly, a bondservant (slave) to Jesus Christ.

And men, which is what I was referring to very clearly I think, as seen from your statement about rendering to Caesar and submitting to higher powers other than the divine.
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Brass Magnet

Founder's Club Member
Apr 23, 2009
Right Behind You!, Wisconsin, USA
Here ya go Ceasar, you D-bag

And men, which is what I was referring to very clearly I think; as seen from your statement about rendering to Caesar and submitting to higher powers other than the divine.

“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s...............like a swift kick in the rear.



Crap, I keep hijacking! It's like I'm addicted. LOL
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Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
And men, which is what I was referring to very clearly I think; as seen from your statement about rendering to Caesar and submitting to higher powers other than the divine.

It is Divine Scripture, the inerrant Word of GOD, that instructs man about the importance of submission to authority.

Authority has its place in society.

If we had no structure of authority in our own society, we'd be living like those in third world countries who deal with violence, bloodshed, nepotism, rape, gunfire, and rampant lawlessness in the streets like the folks who live under the thumb of radical Islamic terrorists.

I'm not trying to impose my belief system on anyone; I've just been trying to relate how the two basic scriptural tenets I mentioned in a previous post serve to guide me and keep me safely within the parameters that the Creator saw fit to share with mankind.

There was a period of time when "every man did that what he thought was right in his own eyes"....and the end result of that was a Great Flood that wiped all of mankind off the face of the earth, with the exception of Noah and his family.


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
Military spending is one of the few things the Federal government is actually SUPPOSED to do. Redistributing wealth, buying poor people houses, feeding kids, and many other favorites of liberals are not listed in the constitution as things the Feds can or should do. That is the difference. Though keeping bases overseas doesn't really have much of a constitutional basis...



Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
I had to go to the top of the page and see what the page was about....oh yea the TSA and the gastpo tactics for the security of all Americans.

I'm as guilty as the next for getting off thread.....ohhhh shinny.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
It is Divine Scripture, the inerrant Word of GOD, that instructs man about the importance of submission to authority.

Authority has its place in society.

If we had no structure of authority in our own society, we'd be living like those in third world countries who deal with violence, bloodshed, nepotism, rape, gunfire, and rampant lawlessness in the streets like the folks who live under the thumb of radical Islamic terrorists.

I'm not trying to impose my belief system on anyone; I've just been trying to relate how the two basic scriptural tenets I mentioned in a previous post serve to guide me and keep me safely within the parameters that the Creator saw fit to share with mankind.

There was a period of time when "every man did that what he thought was right in his own eyes"....and the end result of that was a Great Flood that wiped all of mankind off the face of the earth, with the exception of Noah and his family.

The last equivalent to Caesar over America was a King. People are supposed to be the authority now, with the government subservient. We even have these things telling governments what their limits are, ya know Constitutions.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
The last equivalent to Caesar over America was a King. People are supposed to be the authority now, with the government subservient. We even have these things telling governments what their limits are, ya know Constitutions.


The only reason for a constitution is to limit government. If one does not want a limited government, one need have no constitution--just elect an executive, and let him do whatever he wants.

Also, the British do and did even during American colonial times have a constitution. Their constitution is not a single written document; it is a series of documents spanning the centuries. Magna Carta is one. The Declaration of Rights from 1689 is another. One aspect of the American Revolution is that the colonists were not so much Americans fighting for new rights; they were British subjects rightly angered for being denied their rights as Englishmen as guaranteed by the British constitution.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010

The only reason for a constitution is to limit government. If one does not want a limited government, one need have no constitution--just elect an executive, and let him do whatever he wants.

Also, the British do and did even during American colonial times have a constitution. Their constitution is not a single written document; it is a series of documents spanning the centuries. Magna Carta is one. The Declaration of Rights from 1689 is another. One aspect of the American Revolution is that the colonists were not so much Americans fighting for new rights; they were British subjects rightly angered for being denied their rights as Englishmen as guaranteed by the British constitution.

In a long line of British that fought against the "divine right of kings" that some seem to want to bring back.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
TSA themslves are not doing random vehicle searches. They are hiking along with THP/TDOT and present during inspections that have been conducted for years involving commercial vehicles. There is absolutely nothing new about what is happening here. The local media is portraying out to be more than something it is. Sorry to disappoint.

What most people don't realize is that 99% of ALL traffic stops are illegal. Since "transportation laws" only cover "transport" (which is defined in State and Federal law as commercial travel, NOT personal or private locomotion) almost ALL "traffic laws"--including speeding and marker light "violations" only apply to commercial vehicles.

Before you are even handed a citation, most officers have committed at least 5 procedural violations according to state and federal law, and therefore, if you contest on those grounds--NOT the factual nature of the stop in the first place, but the fact that your rights were violated under color of law from the start--many cases will be tossed by a judge, unless you live in a state that is wholesale bought-and-paid-for like MD or CA...


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
What most people don't realize is that 99% of ALL traffic stops are illegal. Since "transportation laws" only cover "transport" (which is defined in State and Federal law as commercial travel, NOT personal or private locomotion) almost ALL "traffic laws"--including speeding and marker light "violations" only apply to commercial vehicles.

Before you are even handed a citation, most officers have committed at least 5 procedural violations according to state and federal law, and therefore, if you contest on those grounds--NOT the factual nature of the stop in the first place, but the fact that your rights were violated under color of law from the start--many cases will be tossed by a judge, unless you live in a state that is wholesale bought-and-paid-for like MD or CA...

Use this as your defense when you receive your next citation and let me know how it works out for you.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
How did this thread get turned into a Wall Street/Occupy movement issue? Time to close it up in my opinion.

The ultimate conclusion of the original topic was "If you won't take up arms against The State, you have already lost." The original topic died in high-talking failure. Whining about an issue, but mocking the ultimate conclusion while failing to take action.

Then there was whining about the people who dare to point out that Imperialism is not Capitalism and mistaking one for the other destroyed America... Then followed much hate for the messengers which have been bringing this fact to light, this hate provided by people too stupid to realize that their Conservative Faction Programming which tells them to live in denial of this fact, and refuse to understand what Capitalism is, and what Imperialism is...

But it's all a big waste of time. Followers, the lot of them... Hating what they're told without bothering to think it through...

The Liberals are stupid and have confused Imperialism for Capitalism, and the Conservatives are just as stupid for supporting Imperialism and falsely calling it Capitalism because they're also too stupid to know the difference.... Both parties so blinded by the ahte their factions have taught them, that they can't see that they are both making the same mistake, and are actually on the same team... Divided and conquered by their own decision to prioritize hate over intellect.

It was the only useful thing the trhead could become, since the Original Topic resulted in a conclusion that everyone is too much of a coward to carry out.