Yes , I notice the especially sneaky sign posted at the Clinic . . . I had to look closely for it . Kinda like how the No Smoking signs are in plain sight , but the Wrong Way , Do Not Enter signs are on the reverse side of the door , obscured by the tint of the glass . I was actually surprised they didn't pull that with the Anti sign , too .
Thanks for the add, Scott. Name here is Chris , by the way . And I agree about your thoughts on incoming predators . Most of the people here still think they live in Mayberry , RFD and don't even lock their doors ! :shocker:
And the plethora of slick-sleeved rookie cops fresh out of MSTC's academy don't exactly inspire the warm fuzzies in me. I know a couple are regular JBT's and they've been on the Force long enough to have worked it out of their system . . . .