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4 firefighters shot, 2 dead in upstate N.Y


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
Oh, great. Here we go again. An attempt at mass murder with a gun, according to this report.

This is getting quite disheartening. Who in their right mind would shoot at firefighters on duty?

Initial news reports are maddeningly vague on the weapon(s). If this is an "assault" rifle shooting, it will be very bad. Again.

I'm getting sick of this.

4 firefighters shot, 2 dead in upstate N.Y
WEBSTER, N.Y. Four volunteer firefighters responding to a pre-dawn house fire were shot Monday morning, two fatally, leading to a shootout in suburban Rochester, N.Y., police said.

"One or more shooters" fired at the firefighters after they arrived shortly after 5:30 a.m. at the blaze near the Lake Ontario shore, just east of Rochester, Town of Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said.



Regular Member
Mar 10, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
It'll be interesting to see who the shooters are. Even murderous gangs like MS-13 don't pull stupid stunts like this.

Attacking firefighters and ambulances is an increasingly frequent terror tactic executed by Muslims in France.


Regular Member
Mar 11, 2012
Middletown, CT
I'm currently in Rochester visiting family. I have not heard much, but what I have heard is that the single shooter killed his grandmother in 1980 by beating her to death with a hammer, spent 17 years in jail beginning in '82, then was released. last night he started his house on fire, then when firefighters arrived to put out the fire, he shot at them from a barricade he made where he had multiple different guns, then had a firefight with police, then took his own life. last I heard, the sister of the shooter is unaccounted for. also, multiple houses surrounding his were destroyed by fire as obviously the firemen were not able to put the fire out very quickly.

keep in mind guys, this is in a very mellow suburb in the outskirts of Rochester, NOT inner city by any means. it's a quiet neighborhood town, in the 1 state that has the strictest gun laws in the entire country. the political outcry over this is going to be very interesting

I have not heard yet what types of weapons were used
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Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Were getting sick of these news stories also. Every time something like this happens anywhere in the world and especially in the USA, the Australian anti firearms media, latch on and pound us with it for days.

"THE ex-con who lured firefighters to their deaths in a blaze of gunfire left a typewritten note saying he wanted to burn down the neighbourhood and "do what I like doing best, killing people," police said."

Read More;

This demonic should have been put to death after the hammer killing of his grandmother, then this would not have happened.

Murderes will use anything to carry out their evil plans. Fire being one of them. Ban guns and fire will be there to be used, as in the Ash Wednesday fires downunder, and the whisky-a-gogo murders.


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
The dread AR. Again.

I have not heard yet what types of weapons were used

Killer of 2 NY firemen had semiautomatic rifle

Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said Tuesday that 62-year-old William Spengler was armed with a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle, a .38-caliber revolver and a 12-gauge shotgun in Monday’s ambush. . . .

Police have not said which weapon or weapons were used to shoot the firefighters.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
If the shooter had been executed for murdering his grandmother 30 years ago -- as he SHOULD have been (yes, I am all for capital punishment!) -- THIS particular crime would not have happened.

...nor would so many other crimes by the same category of people (people/criminals who shouldn't still be alive).
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Why the sudden rash of bad guys with Bushmasters?


And, in 1876, anti-gunners woulda been (bleep)tching about all the shootings with the new, super-reliable, multi-shot, fast-reloading Peacemaker revolver. And, by 1890 they woulda been having a cow over the proliferation of (gasp!) lever-action rifles.

Like its Bushmaster's fault they're successful as a company at producing a product and selling it.


Regular Member
Mar 10, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Like its Bushmaster's fault they're successful as a company at producing a product and selling it.
As Jack notes, not my point. Why specifically the Bushmaster .223? It could be coincidence, naturally, that two high-profile killings less than 10 days apart, both using weapons rarely used for murder, just happen to use not just the same kind of weapon, but the same make and model of weapon. Bushmaster does, as you note, sell a bunch of them. I just greatly dislike coincidences like this. Anti-gun politicians could not have manufactured a better outcome in terms of keeping up the pressure to ban semi-autos and making the Bushmaster the icon upon which they will do so.


Regular Member
Dec 12, 2012
Rochester, WA
As Jack notes, not my point. Why specifically the Bushmaster .223? It could be coincidence, naturally, that two high-profile killings less than 10 days apart, both using weapons rarely used for murder, just happen to use not just the same kind of weapon, but the same make and model of weapon. Bushmaster does, as you note, sell a bunch of them. I just greatly dislike coincidences like this. Anti-gun politicians could not have manufactured a better outcome in terms of keeping up the pressure to ban semi-autos and making the Bushmaster the icon upon which they will do so.

It's my speculation that they are just saying its a Bushmaster because a majority of people will remember it from 10-11 days ago. In the media its all about the spin, positive or negative associations.
Like those ASPCA commercials or whatever they are with Sarah McLaughlin. Now all you have to do is hear her voice and you associate it with injured and abandoned animals.
But that's just my take. Can I have Wild West Laws brought back please?


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
I used to be too .. till I learned of the many innocent people executed by the state(s) ...

The death penalty is God ordained. Its a pity man cannot get things right regarding its implamentation. Then the states seem to get many things wrong these days. If its anything like downunder its, look aften themselves first, second and allways, forget the constituents!


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
The death penalty is God ordained. Its a pity man cannot get things right regarding its implamentation. Then the states seem to get many things wrong these days. If its anything like downunder its, look aften themselves first, second and allways, forget the constituents!

This is the reason I'm opposed to the death penalty.

Its not a matter of justice or whether anybody deserves to die for a certain crime. Its whether government can be trusted to get it right. Nope. Too much prosecutorial immunity, too many evidentiary errors innocent and deliberate, career-oriented prosecutions, people pressured or tricked into false confessions, whacky evidence, etc., etc., etc. Too many innocent people convicted of capital crimes--remember a few years ago when the governor of (Ohio?) shut down death row because 25% of death-row inmates were found to be either innocent or serious questions had been raised about their convictions?

Nope. Can't trust government with anything else; no reason to think they're gonna get right the processes that lead up to an execution.


Regular Member
Dec 20, 2012
Oakland ca
Again mental health seems to be the reason, fundamental reason.

The guy killed already, with a hammer... His grandma! What in the hell was he doing free and roaming around? He could have used a car, poison or whatever else!

I guess, I'm now understanding what zombies really are.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2012
West Virginia
Caught red handed

This is the reason I'm opposed to the death penalty.

Its not a matter of justice or whether anybody deserves to die for a certain crime. Its whether government can be trusted to get it right. Nope. Too much prosecutorial immunity, too many evidentiary errors innocent and deliberate, career-oriented prosecutions, people pressured or tricked into false confessions, whacky evidence, etc., etc., etc. Too many innocent people convicted of capital crimes--remember a few years ago when the governor of (Ohio?) shut down death row because 25% of death-row inmates were found to be either innocent or serious questions had been raised about their convictions?

Nope. Can't trust government with anything else; no reason to think they're gonna get right the processes that lead up to an execution.

There will be some cases when the perp. is caught red handed (pun intended) during the crime, capital offense. There was the Petit case in Conn. with 2 perps. that held a family hostage. 1 went to the bank with the wife to get money, the bank tellers called police, they killed the wife and 2 daughters, beat the husband near death with a hammer. Police surrounded the house and caught them leaving. I think they may have set the house on fire as a distraction not sure. Slam dunk for death penalty. We should not have to pay for that type of evil to eat and sit in jail till they die. I do agree with you that if it's possible to fawk things up in a capital murder case the Gov. sure will.