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OK, the location for our 6th Monthly Meetup has been vetted and should be another great location.
Details:Old Town Pasadena, Saturday, February 20th, 11am.
Exact meetup location:We're going to meet upin front of Lucky Baldwins at theintersection of E Green and S Raymond Ave.
GFSZWarnings: Old Town Pasadena covers a couple of blocks or more. So here's the zone you want to stay within while UOC'ing.
To the West:Stay on or east of N De Lacey Ave
To the North: Stay on or south of Union St.
To the East: Stay on or west of S Arroyo Parkway
To the South: Stay on or north of Green St.
The west most portion of Old Town Pasadena needs to be avoided due to a high school across the freeway. So do not venture to S Pasadena Ave on the west side.
Feel free to chime in if you plan on attending. other LEA notifications of this event will be made.
ETA: Exact meetup location added. Note the parking will most likely be paid. There is a parking structure at the intersection of Mercentile PL and Raymond. First 90min free $2.00/hr after that, max $6.00.
OK, the location for our 6th Monthly Meetup has been vetted and should be another great location.
Details:Old Town Pasadena, Saturday, February 20th, 11am.
Exact meetup location:We're going to meet upin front of Lucky Baldwins at theintersection of E Green and S Raymond Ave.
GFSZWarnings: Old Town Pasadena covers a couple of blocks or more. So here's the zone you want to stay within while UOC'ing.
To the West:Stay on or east of N De Lacey Ave
To the North: Stay on or south of Union St.
To the East: Stay on or west of S Arroyo Parkway
To the South: Stay on or north of Green St.
The west most portion of Old Town Pasadena needs to be avoided due to a high school across the freeway. So do not venture to S Pasadena Ave on the west side.
Feel free to chime in if you plan on attending. other LEA notifications of this event will be made.
ETA: Exact meetup location added. Note the parking will most likely be paid. There is a parking structure at the intersection of Mercentile PL and Raymond. First 90min free $2.00/hr after that, max $6.00.