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Activism and Vigilance Sending the Message


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Washington’s next legislative session starts in January and Bob Ferguson's assault weapons ban will be on the block.

I wrote this letter to the editor several weeks ago and sent it off to almost every newspaper in the state.

My local paper published last week over on page 4; The slow erosion of our gun rights.
Central Kitsap Reporter | Kitsap Daily News
(links to every paper with my notes)

I received a lot of good feed back and only two papers said they would not publish it as I was not in their circulation area.

Today I wrote what I thought I would send to the general legislature regarding Bob Ferguson's proposed ban on the most popular firearm in the country. After some consideration I decided I should instead share this in hopes that others might write similar letters-to-the-editor or legislature. My thought process behind this is twofold, grass roots letters and informing the folks who might not otherwise hear about the proposed legislation. In the past we have won up-hill fights with the legislature only to loose to citizen initiatives. It is my hope this is shared and inspires others to write their own letters-to-the-editor.

Your letter does not have to be your own words but it should resonate with you. I mostly write how I talk then go back and clean it up with input from trusted confidants.


Todays Musings

Notwithstanding the constitutional questions I previously shared with Mr. Hanson; this proposed legislation serves only to further erode the right of Washingtonians to keep and bear arms.

Let’s be perfectly clear here, this proposed legislation is an emotional response to a young Mukilteo student who murdered his friends in a fit of anger and revenge. A young man, who lacks the tools to comprehend and deal with rejection, is now in prison writing song lyrics about his act of killing.

The legislation in question is really a distraction from bigger problems the AG and the legislature continue to ignore, don’t understand or simply don’t care.

While Allen Ivanov's calculated killing of his ex-girlfriend, Anna Bui, as well as Jacob Long and Jordan Ebner, is absolutely tragic, the banning of otherwise legal activity to curtail murder is wrong headed and the antitheses to liberty and freedom. Ivanov conspired to kill these people; he acquired his firearm legally passed the requisite background check and waiting period. The citizens of Washington State are not the ones responsible for this heinous act yet the AG proposes to punish them for it. This is the type of legislation that continues to divide fomenting hate and intolerance on all sides.

When are you going to enforce the existing laws? You know the ones that state prohibited persons who attempt to purchase fire arms are prosecuted. Even the AG acknowledges in his white paper, Access to Firearms in Washington, the difficulty with “lie and try” prosecutions. His paper states, in 2013, over 1,500 Washington purchasers were denied due to a felony criminal history and 1,400 more were turned away due to a domestic violence history or active protection orders. Men like King County Sheriff John Urquhart have publicly stated they do not have the resources to arrest prohibited persons who attempt to purchase fire arms. Further stating these prohibited persons easily buy illegal guns on the street. This is only one example gun owners keep shouting about with regard to enforcing current law, yet the answer again is “making a new law” and forcing otherwise law abiding citizens to capitulate. Why isn’t the AG or the legislature giving men like Sheriff Urquhart the tools to enforce existing laws?

There is plenty of finger pointing to go around, but you are treeing the wrong cat. In this New Year I hope the legislature will stop acting and thinking like “Republicans” or “Democrats” and start acting and thinking like Americans.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Very well said, sir.

If only one letter would do the job that would be fantastic. However, it will take an avalanche, a heavy response, to hope to sway those in control. You do well to solicite others to get on board and help to defeat this.

Best wishes.
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
BR chks, "prohibited" persons, etc.... all lizzurd ideas.

Freemen should be able to acquire firearms as easily as buying bubble gum.


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
30 day wait

My 30 day wait for submission of letters to the editor expires this weekend. I was discussing this effort with a co-worker and it was suggested my list of news media was a bit onerous to execute.
So...trying to find a more efficient way to submit letters led me to this.


It turns out the NRA has already developed a quick and easy way to submit comments to the news media.
The previous link will open a new page with radio buttons allowing you to select the news media you want, then you compose your comments and hit the send button.

This most resembles the "Take Action" button GOA uses. Note the ending "wa" state abbreviation.

The URL may be appended with another state such as...http://nra.capwiz.com/nra/dbq/media/?command=state_search&state=va

Easy Peasy.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
How about writing the names of every politician who desires you the disarmed? They endorse and promote prior restraint laws...thus they want to disarm the citizenry.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
My 30 day wait for submission of letters to the editor expires this weekend. I was discussing this effort with a co-worker and it was suggested my list of news media was a bit onerous to execute.
So...trying to find a more efficient way to submit letters led me to this. ...
Great find! Thanks!


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Spokane, Wa., ,
How about writing the names of every politician who desires you the disarmed? They endorse and promote prior restraint laws...thus they want to disarm the citizenry.

Jinkins, Peterson, Doglio, Farrell, Robinson, Lytton, Senn, Pollet, Tharinger, Chapman, Kagi, Pettigrew, Cody, Fitzgibbon, Appleton, Gregerson, Ormsby, Frame, Bergquist, Stanford

Ormsby is the critter from the 3rd district (the one I live in and I believe he ran unopposed)


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
State Legislative contacts with 1 response

I sent the following message to my District's elected officials on January 11: Rep. Mary Dye, Rep. Joe Schmick, & Sen. Mark Schoeseler:

I am appalled that AG Ferguson would be willing to violate his oath of office by asking that this legislation even be brought forth. Washington State Constitution Article 1 Section 24: "RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men." This legislation is only hurting law abiding citizens, not the criminal element. By seeking to pass this legislation, is a direct violation of, not only, the Washington State Constitution, but also the Constitution of the United States. As your constituent, & a member of the National Rifle Association, I am requesting that you please oppose this legislation & follow through with "Uphold & defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign & domestic."

On January 12, I received the following reply from Rep. Mary Dye:

Hello Michael,

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and comments on Second Amendment rights. I am glad to respond to you on this very important issue. While I do agree that effective and sensible gun laws are a must, I have serious concerns about eroding the right to bear arms, as written in Article 1, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution and the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The sad fact is that should the right to bear arms be abolished in America, it would do little to reduce gun violence and may run the risk placing the focus on law abiding citizens. The truth is that gun violence would continue. The guns used in most of the terrible shooting sprees in the last decade were bought with background check in place.

It is unfortunate that measures such as harsher sentences for those who use guns in crimes, and more stringent cross referencing of mental health records and gun background checks, have not made progress in the legislature. I hope that as this debate goes forward, we remember our primary goals: saving lives from needless violence and punishing those who commit crimes with guns.

I very much appreciate it that you have shared your thoughts and will keep them in mind as legislation crosses my desk.



Representative Mary Dye
9th Legislative District
432 John L. O'Brien Building
360.786.7942 | mary.dye@leg.wa.gov
Visit my website: www.representativemarydye.com