i went to a bar friday, some guy that has never liked me (i married the woman he wanted) anyways bar was packed with people i did not know, the guy started saying "you can not own firearms", and "do you have a gun", well i had my pistol concealed.. and before i went in i emptied it and put mag in a pocket, the guy at one point grabs me and starts feeling and grabbed my pistol and ran down the street yelling "i got it, i got it", cops show up, take my pistol and drive me home as they thought i might have drank too much.. i realized i left my vehicle unlocked with windows down, so my wife and i walked back to pick it up (her driving).. during time in bar i met an off duty PD officer.. when i went for vehicle i walked in to ask the name of off duty cop, i was told to leave. i walked out and cops handcuffed me and brought me to station overnight, all cops involved said i did nothing illegal.. next morning new cop lets me out and said it was the weirdest story he ever heard, and NO charges on me as i did nothing wrong. he tells me to go monday to pick up my pistol, cop says NO, and told me to go on weds. to talk with original officer, that one said he was pissed at guy that grabbed my gun, he said some people (all pals with guy that grabbbed gun) said i m"showed it off", others said i did nothing, cop was pissed off that i wetn back, but said he understood why,... but people were scared.. he told me IF he charges me it will be reckless conduct, and misdemeanor, PD chief also revoked my carry permit. now i have to wait for officer to decide, he said maybe monday.... but within 2 weeks if i do not hear from to call him... he said guy that grabbed my gun is always drunk, cop told me i was/am very polite and honest, and he had talked to me before for kid related stuff, he said i was always helpful and sober, and he knows i am not much of a drinker......... i do not know what to do, my nerves are shot!