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"Alarm" and Terry Stop Court Ruling


New member
Apr 23, 2008
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Simple really, 18 years old, my roommate was growing pot in his closet. Word got out and they searched the house. In my room I had 7 rifles. I also had one of his lights sitting in my closet for storage. I knewit was in his room, didn't bother me much. In the shared living space of the house they found evidence of marijuana. Because I was aware of this, and they had evidence linking my room to his I was looking at a felony charge. I chose to take the plea offer. The offer wasif I would plea guilty they would ignore the weapons - as this is a 2 year enhancement.

In hind site I should have fought it, but I was 18. If I had lost I would have served time in prison. This was 10 or so years ago. There is a 7 year waiting period, at which time that information can be sealed, and you can petition for your rights.

After a 7 year period the crime is not on your public record, but there is not a weapons clear. They know your rights are revoked, but don't know why. Have nothing to hide, although having your right restored is the proper way to go.

When I was arrested I thought the worst that would happen(beings I was eligible to have my rights restored) was to tell me to have them reinstated by my next court date and the charges would be dropped.

So I am now in waiting for another 2 years before I can petition to have them restored. I am very pro rights, if I am not doing anything wrong, thats it. They should not have been violated, by the city, state or anyone else.

Its not justifiable why I had them without having my rights restored, that is something I failed to do. Had it been a different person in that situation, their right shouldnot have been infringed either.


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Apr 23, 2008
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Even though the case was dropped, I still have towait two years after that. They are touchy. I personally disagree with that.....


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Oct 8, 2006
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bearggg wrote:
Even though the case was dropped, I still have towait two years after that. They are touchy. I personally disagree with that.....

I wish you luck. It sounds to me like you go the short end of the stick when you were a kid and got screwed out of your rights because of it. I've had enough public defenders to know that they aren't there to help you. They're just negotiators for the prosecution. I've been talked into taking plea deals when I was completely not-guilty before by a public defender who told me that even though I didn't do anything wrong, I should still take the deal. Not knowing all of the laws, I did. Now that I know the laws, I know that the Public Defender was an idiot who didn't research my case.

Let me know when you get your rights back and we'll go shooting.