most states I believe already allow staff to carry guns so long as the school board approves it. I have no issue with this. but i think a decision about this subject should be made by local school boards....
I have been heavily involved with this issue locally and have no such information to indicate "most states" allow. Do you have a cite? In fact I believe that most states with preemption would not allow local school boards to independently decide - Va is one such state.
Yes and Yes but are criminals targetting schools because of the gun free zone? or are they just choosing where they know the news vans will roll to after the gunfire stops? it's true that most shootings happen in places posted as "no guns" but is that due to the no guns policy, or is it because places posted "no guns" are usually always either government property or somewhere where alot of people are congregated together? I don't think private citizens should have to disarm upon entering schools, but claiming the gun free school zone laws and regulations are the reason we have school shootings is to me... just as much of a stretch as claiming that legal gun owners are the reason for shootings...
Thank you, sir. You have just made my argument for me. Mass shooters chose GFZ because their odds of success are better AND have a high concentration of potential victims. What ends these tragedies....someone with a gun!
Yes police are not mandated, but find me any officers willing to say "i'm just going to let the littleuns die because the supreme says I can" not many police officers are like that...
However they will and have delayed entry until they have "sufficient" backup, when minutes or seconds count.......and what do they bring with them to stop the carnage.......again GUNS!
A numbers of universities and some school systems already allow firearms to one level or another. Have their insurance rates increased? I don't know, but doubt by much if at all.
And most all of them have to by law. ad states like Oregon, Utah and Michigan and Colorado in the case of colleges,
allow private citizens to carry guns (actually my community college does not forbid adjunct faculty from carrying firearms either.... or at least they didn't use to, then the college newspaper made a stink about how their safety was at risk from adjunct professors carrying guns... :banghead
as opposed to staff being encouraged to carry guns... much different when you're
paying someone holding a gun then a mere visitor.
What has been the history/result of the citizens carrying guns? What major problems have there been? To my knowledge virtually none.
I have yet to advocate "paying someone to hold a gun." What I advocate is not disallowing otherwise legal people from the ability to defend themselves - the benefits are enormous.
Doesn't shock me, but they're private property so it's not a direct comparison...
Actually the VaGOP convention was held at the Richmond Coliseum which is public property. Yes, it was leased as a venue. Still it would have required that they actively say "No Guns" to have changed the status.
I don't want to discuss it further since I'm borderline involved in collecting evidence and don't want to undermine my friend's position if this ever ends up in court... but I'll just say that if you knew all the circumstances, you'd know very well this joker is just gaming the system. the friend doesn't want the insurance company to pay out and increase his premiums...
In a prior life, I was the Senior Property Manager for a large Real Estate Mgt. company and most involved with the insurance of investment properties. Unless your friend has a history of claims, it is unlikely that he will suffer from an experience rating. Still what I am hearing is that he may not choose to file a claim - his choice.
I dont disagree... but I think there is such a thing as too many guns. and before someone accuses me of being an anti again, I'm not talking about "americans own one gun per person or there's too many guns in circulation"
I think that if you have a situation where there is alot of people with guns in one place, in a group not militarily organized who doesn't immediately recognize who isn't and is the bad guy. every single person armed begins to create liability. at a rally in Olympia we had a few jokers, one had an AR pistol on a sling, another have a micro uzi looking pistol and mr micro uzi was sweeping the crowd of armed people in front of him finger on trigger until a state trooper went and talked to him. but imagine if some guy had decided to "act in self defense" and gun shots started ringing out in a crowd of about 500 armed people plus about a dozen state patrol officers? I'm actually very upset the troopers didn't charge him and relieve him of his firearm.
I have been a lot of places where there was at least one gun per person: picnics, dinners with up to 200 people. I have attended sporting events (professional baseball) where there were no restrictions on carrying. Have never seen a negative happening. Are there some fools/poorly trained individuals? Of course, but by and large I find the legally carrying non-LEO is better trained and safer than most officers - that is not LEO bashing, it is just an inconvenient truth.
Again, I know that this has never actually been a problem to date, but just because something has not been a problem in the past doesn't mean it can't become one.
That can be said about anything - sorry but no bonus points.
I also want to say one last time, these are my personal concerns. I in no way advocate government restriction on an individual person or group of persons who want to protect themselves.... if you want to carry a rifle, do so, wanna open carry, great! wanna conceal and carry? knock yourself out...
but i
nstitutional security being paid to provide protection, is something that I believe needs some level of regulation,
versus an individual protecting themselves.....