I'm inclined to agree. As of right now, the poll stands at 68% No, 23% licensed dealer, and 9% all.
As for the accuracy of the poll, Nightmare posted some good comments.
Creating a viable poll involves juggling a great many variables. Minimizing the
cognitive biases, for example, can be an arduous task. Changing even word in a poll can produce some surprisingly different results. Take these two examples:
How do you
feel about background checks for firearm purchases?
What do you
think about background checks for firearm purchases?
True, they're essentially the same questions. Those who were wandering near the border between one selection and the other, however, may be influenced by the different terms "think" and "feel." If this weren't the case, the Meyers-Briggs personality assessments wouldn't work. They do work, however, and both "thinking" and "feeling" are at opposite ends of one of its four personality categories.
I noted you were consistent with the word "should" throughout your questions, and that you used the moderate word "should" instead of a stronger term like "will" or "shall" or "must," or a weaker term like "may." You were also consistent with the absolute at the beginning of the sentence: "No," "Only," and "All."
In other words, it's a very well-designed poll, even if it's a simple one.
How the poll is administered, however, introduces all kinds of biases. Are you asking Saturday shoppers at a grocery store which caters to the affluent, as occurred to me when I bought groceries earlier today? If so, the following categories of people will be underrepresented: Those who work on Saturday, the less affluent, those who like to hike on the weekends, and those who're out shooting on this 67.6 deg Fahrenheit 29th day of November!
Similarly, spreading the word via message forums will not produce an accurate response, as you have no numerically accurate idea of the cross-section of people who are responding.