Site Co-Founder
Bloomberg Businessweek spoke to OpenCarry.org founder John Pierce, who lives in Virginia (a “gold star” state, he says, where he can go anywhere with a weapon and where “there are no obstacles whatsoever”), and commutes to Pennsylvania for work (not a gold-star state, “because there you can open carry on foot—but you have to carry a permit in a vehicle. It’s a quirk in the law.”). From the pistol itself to the must-have accessories to an app meant to combat unjustified seizures, Pierce provided his perfect “open carry” starter kit for those who wish to legally and prominently pack heat on a daily basis.
Bloomberg Businessweek spoke to OpenCarry.org founder John Pierce, who lives in Virginia (a “gold star” state, he says, where he can go anywhere with a weapon and where “there are no obstacles whatsoever”), and commutes to Pennsylvania for work (not a gold-star state, “because there you can open carry on foot—but you have to carry a permit in a vehicle. It’s a quirk in the law.”). From the pistol itself to the must-have accessories to an app meant to combat unjustified seizures, Pierce provided his perfect “open carry” starter kit for those who wish to legally and prominently pack heat on a daily basis.