Regular Member
I've lived in Brattleboro for 15 years and have never seen one example of a citizen open carrying. Nor have I seen one gun rack in a pickup. I have seen far too many Prius hybrids with anti nuclear slogans on them.
It's legal for me to carry openly here but the local police are very twitchy and would most likely draw down on you with their .40's, slam you to the ground, cuff you, taser you and drag you away where it would be incumbent upon you to prove your right to carry openly. What a way to ruin a perfectly beautiful day. I'll keep mine concealed, thanks. However, I don't have any problem visibly showing my stun gun to the gang banger wannabees dragging their slathering pit bulls around. Often, these dogs outweigh their owners and visibly want to attack my smaller dogs. I maintain a vigilant mindset to combat situations like this.
Also, it's no longer legal to be naked in Brattleboro, a selectboard ordinance put an end to that, thankfully. It drew serious predators to the area.
One last thing: it's legal for VT residents to buy long guns in NH and I deal with a good old boy over there when I get the itch for a new black rifle. He told me that the Chief of Police in Keene told him that "yes, it's legal to open carry here, but you'll most likely be drawn upon and braced by the local police while they determine your intentions."
Being an old guy myself, I do not need this kind of problem (where I live) and am content to keep mine concealed.
Long live the South, sad to say the North is ruled by anti-gun ignorance coming out of Albany and Boston that influences the nicer areas of New England despite the laws on their books.
I've never had an issue open carrying in Bellow's Falls, Brattleboro, or Keene.
The Keene police are WELL AWARE of open carry being legal.