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CC Badge


Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
What's the deal? I've never seen one in real life nor have I heard of them till this web site. I'd like to hear the unbiased facts about the local legal requirements to display them, the origins of them and then, what kind of douche bag would wear one unless otherwise required to. Then lets go ahead with the badge bashing. We gotta have a little fun right? ;)

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

When I hang out,,, being a mall ninga,, i wear a CONCEALLED Carry Badge,,, right next to my OPENLY CARRIED GUN!!!

AND when real cops ask me to help out during a gun fight,,,, I wear a CCW SHASH, in green or orange, depending on my outfit...

I am Bashing ANY idea of a badge!!!


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
What's the deal? I've never seen one in real life nor have I heard of them till this web site. I'd like to hear the unbiased facts about the local legal requirements to display them, the origins of them and then, what kind of douche bag would wear one unless otherwise required to. Then lets go ahead with the badge bashing. We gotta have a little fun right? ;)

Check the date on this: http://tacticaltupperware.com/?p=865 * Then go ahead and follow the links to see the actual sash. And then follow the links to see how the price has changed over the years.

Just my warped opinion, but CCW badges are what folks use to scream out loud that they are big kids with big kid toys when the law in their state does not allow the open display of big kid toys. Badges and the "Shoot me first" vests - I've seen folks wearing one with a dress shirt and necktie!

That or the fact that they are afraid of what the neighbors will say if they openly carried. Which circles back to the "Look at me!" they engage in.

For the sake of full disclosure, there are folks I know that do not OC, and who CC while remaining discrete about the whole issue. Which, I suppose, is the whole reason for CCing.

stay safe.

* Please, folks, keep this on the first page of Google by clicking the link until your fingers bleed. This is just too good to allow to slip off the first page.
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Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
What's the deal? I've never seen one in real life nor have I heard of them till this web site. I'd like to hear the unbiased facts about the local legal requirements to display them, the origins of them and then, what kind of douche bag would wear one unless otherwise required to. Then lets go ahead with the badge bashing. We gotta have a little fun right? ;)
CC badges have been around for quite a while. I've seen them advertised in numerous gun magazines for well over 10 years or more. The problem is, if you get one, you can't just display it, like you're a cop. That's a good way to get pinched for false impersonation.

I've seen a handful of people recommend them, and legions rail against them. I guess, for that reason alone, I'd stay away from them.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
CC badges should only be used with a high and tight haircut, dockers, polo shirt and tactical boots. Maybe Wally World can start selling polo shirts with a little CC badge sewed on them. :p


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
I've thought about one of these badges, but not for actual CC. One of the police chiefs for the city I live in has said that anyone OCing is "suspicious" and he will has his troops check all permits of OCers. So if I get hassled excessively ill be looking for one that is obviously not a cop badge just to have an "easy" place to put my permit for future hassles. But this all depends on police actions after Oklahoma gets to OC and I get back to the states.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
I know someone that carriers one. Instantly wanted to explain why it was a horrible idea. But couldn't be bothered because I'm 98% certain they'll just brush me off as not knowing what I'm talking about. Whatever, they'll learn if/when they get arrested for flash their shiny little badge. :rolleyes:


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
I know someone that carriers one. Instantly wanted to explain why it was a horrible idea. But couldn't be bothered because I'm 98% certain they'll just brush me off as not knowing what I'm talking about. Whatever, they'll learn if/when they get arrested for flash their shiny little badge. :rolleyes:

Heh, I think a CC badge defeats the purpose of CCing. For me it would be more of an "easy" place to store my permit for when I'm hassled again (which is why I wouldn't get one unless I was repeatedly hassled for OCing and I would want one that was obviously not a police badge; like the one that says mall ninja and has a ninja star on it).
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Big Gay Al

Michigan Moderator
Aug 27, 2006
Mason, Michigan, USA
Heh, I think a CC badge defeats the purpose of CCing. For me it would be more of an "easy" place to store my permit for when I'm hassled again (which is why I wouldn't get one unless I was repeatedly hassled for OCing and I would want one that was obviously not a police badge; like the one that says mall ninja and has a ninja star on it).
As it was told to me once, by someone I know who does have one, his CC badge stays concealed too. In fact, it's even more concealed than his firearm. His thoughts were, if the SHTF ever happens, and he finds himself on the business end of LEO firearms, it might help defuse a bad situation before it gets worse. The only reason I can agree with him, he does not flash his badge to anyone for any reason.

So who knows, maybe he has a point.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
As it was told to me once, by someone I know who does have one, his CC badge stays concealed too. In fact, it's even more concealed than his firearm. His thoughts were, if the SHTF ever happens, and he finds himself on the business end of LEO firearms, it might help defuse a bad situation before it gets worse. The only reason I can agree with him, he does not flash his badge to anyone for any reason.

So who knows, maybe he has a point.

I can see that so that they don't have to go digging through your pockets for your wallet or so that they don't "confuse" you grabbing your wallet for grabbing a gun.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Check the date on this: http://tacticaltupperware.com/?p=865 * Then go ahead and follow the links to see the actual sash. And then follow the links to see how the price has changed over the years.

The funny thing about those sashes is that in almost every state, the term "CCW" referes to a CRIME, not a permit or lawful mode of carry. Only one state in the union called their permit a "CCW". In all the other states, the only time the term "Carrying a Concealed Weapon" is used is in the definition of a CRIME. So unless you were in that one state (Missouri, I think), wearing such a sash would give the impression to anyone who actually knew the law that you were admitting to committing a crime...

This is a pet peave of mine, and I really wish law-abiding people who carry would stop using "CCW" to describe what they do, or refer to their permits. It's like using the term "White Slavery" to refer to lawful marriage...


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
2 radio show hosts I used to listen to carried windbreakers in their cars that said POLICE on them.

They are legal to buy and wear so long as you don't claim to be a cop when asked.

Herr Heckler Koch

POLITE in yellow on navy-blue background works better and is more to the point.