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Colorado movie massacre!


New member
Jul 21, 2012
THIS IS A TRAGIC INCIDENT INDEED...I HOPE WE ALL TAKE SOME TIME OUT OF OUR DAY AND FIND THE COMPASSION IN OUR HEARTS TO SAY A PRAYER FOR THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF THE VICTIMS WHO WERE EITHER INJURED OR KILLED AT THE BATMAN MOVIE PREMIERE IN COLORADO (MAY THE LORD JESUS HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SOULS). Has this event changed the OC community's opinion, as a whole and individually, on the right to open carry in our own backyard? has this act of domestic terrorism put a sense of fear in our hearts? or is it fuel to drive our passion of defending our rights as Americans? how can we use this tragedy to open the eyes of our neighbors and loved ones who are pro-gun control and who "frown upon" the act of carrying our weapons?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
All those people in a theater, yet not one of them armed. Not even an off-duty cop there to respond. Just a bunch of helpless people, mostly never thinking something like that could happen in THEIR town, or to THEM.

Goes to show that even in states that allow some form of carry (and in CO, you can at least CC), VERY FEW people will ever go ahead and carry...and in this particular case, NO ONE was armed. Even more reason for one to be armed as there isn't likely to be ANYONE ELSE present to respond.

So much for all the anti-gun people saying "if states allow people to carry, then EVERYONE will be armed" and "well have even more guns out there on the street." And of course, "nothing good can come from citizens being armed. It'll be the Wild West all over again."

Yeah, right.

In retrospect, I'm sure those sheep in that theater (as well as their families and loved ones who lost someone) wished there had been at least ONE armed citizen amongst them. Instead, however, we will hear them call for more gun control...as per usual.

Yet the ONLY way to stop (not prevent, you can't prevent these random/psycho shooters) the shooting (once it's started) is to have ANOTHER "shooter" there on-the-scene when it happens. Not CALL someone (cops), but THERE on-the-scene. Period.

It's ALREADY illegal (!!) to go into a place and start shooting...so as we all here know, laws can't stop someone from doing anything. But bullets sure can.
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Regular Member
Sep 28, 2008
Nampa, Idaho, USA
All those people in a theater, yet not one of them armed. Not even an off-duty cop there to respond. Just a bunch of helpless people, mostly never thinking something like that could happen in THEIR town, or to THEM.

Goes to show that even in states that allow some form of carry (and in CO, you can at least CC), VERY FEW people will ever go ahead and carry...and in this particular case, NO ONE was armed. Even more reason for one to be armed as there isn't likely to be ANYONE ELSE present to respond.

So much for all the anti-gun people saying "if states allow people to carry, then EVERYONE will be armed" and "well have even more guns out there on the street." And of course, "nothing good can come from citizens being armed. It'll be the Wild West all over again."

Yeah, right.

In retrospect, I'm sure those sheep in that theater (as well as their families and loved ones who lost someone) wished there had been at least ONE armed citizen amongst them. Instead, however, we will hear them call for more gun control...as per usual.

Yet the ONLY way to stop (not prevent, you can't prevent these random/psycho shooters) the shooting (once it's started) is to have ANOTHER "shooter" there on-the-scene when it happens. Not CALL someone (cops), but THERE on-the-scene. Period.

It's ALREADY illegal (!!) to go into a place and start shooting...so as we all here know, laws can't stop someone from doing anything. But bullets sure can.

Contrast with this: http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_20457445/2-die-shooting-outside-church , also in Aurora, Co.

Which ending had the better results? Which got the most publicity. Why do we not hear about the church lifesaving effort by a concealed carrier now (The offduty LEO is still a citizen in this situation also).
Who was it that said something to the effect of not letting a crisis go to waste?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
...and no one there in the theater had the presence-of-mind to jump (bum-rush) the guy to subdue him -- as people have done in some other such incidents -- so there was nothing for that room full of people to "do" but die. How much more like a herd of sheep could that get?

Now, if Falco will ever deliver on that nice Tokarev T-33 crossdraw holster I ordered a while back...except it's for OCing, not CCing, so I can only use it when I go to NM. Still, at least I can then OC my Tokarev.

However you carry -- OC or CC -- don't rely on anyone else to get involved, make sure YOU have the means to take action...


New member
Jul 21, 2012
Contrast with this: http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_20457445/2-die-shooting-outside-church , also in Aurora, Co.

Which ending had the better results? Which got the most publicity. Why do we not hear about the church lifesaving effort by a concealed carrier now (The offduty LEO is still a citizen in this situation also).
Who was it that said something to the effect of not letting a crisis go to waste?

i think it was Hillary Clinton who said something to the effect of not letting a crisis go to waste...but I'm pretty sure the context she made that statment in wasnt something we would agree with (the counrty's financial crisis). Our main focus as law abiding/right excercising American citizens should be first to continue spreading the wealth of knowledge with our brothers and sisters about excercising their rights responsibly and second to continue carrying responsibly (whether OC or CC) with the hope of never having to use our weapon yet, always ready and willing to defend the innocent and defensless (including ourselves).


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
...except personally, *I* have a real problem with people who COULD carry (and therefore defend themselves) but choose NOT to (for whatever reason, maybe because they're anti-gun), yet expect OTHER people -- like cops or other ARMED citizens -- to go into harm's way FOR them. Such people (usually liberals) vote for tougher/more) gun laws, vote for anti-gun politicians -- then expect OTHER people with guns (cops & armed citizens) -- to come to their aid. Where do they get off expecting that?

Not cool.

Consequently, I don't consider myself a "sheepdog." I don't mind helping people who help themselves (or truly can't), but I DO have an issue helping those who just won't.
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New member
Jul 21, 2012
I completely understand your point of view on the matter of defending those who choose to be defenseless (whether they be anti-gun or just someone who isn't necessarily anti-gun yet doesn't choose to carry). By no means am I saying lets go out and look for bad guys and terrorists...but, if you were to see someone being attacked by a criminal with a deadly weapon I am almost certain that you wouldn't ask for the victim's NRA card before you would be willing to help...that mindset makes us no better than the person who is anti-gun. none of us consider ourselves "sheepdogs" (hopefully) but we do consider ourselves warm-blooded American's who have compassion for the weak (physically, morally, or even patriotically) right? so it's safe to say that being a second amendment exercising, freedom defending American "sheepdog" comes with the territory of being a member of this forum and should come with American citizenship. IMO there is nothing wrong with being "my brothers keeper" whether he agrees with my views or not.