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Computer/Tablet/iPhone Apps


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2014
New Castle, Va
With all the variances between places with special signs about open/concealed carry and guns in general, are there any websites that identify these conditionals? I know VCDL has a card that identifies 10 or so but not sure how current it is.

It would be nice like the app that identifies open/concealed carry for each state and the reciprocity rules.

Such as:

Panera Bread
Kroger Stores

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
A place to start is here: http://www.handgunlaw.us/

There are other forums out there, but like here at OCDO you have to set aside some time to read these different forums to stay on top of things. In other words, there is not an 800 number you can call for the latest and greatest news worthy info.

If you are going to open carry (and even conceal carry) you better be active in the subject matter.


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2014
New Castle, Va
The 2A friendly site has the right approach. Enter where you live, what you have then find out about places you may visit. But it is pretty much as state level.
The last two items could easily get someone in unintentional trouble.

Problem for us is we pickup/deliver vehicles for MCF and cross several borders all the time. It becomes a concern that each time we have to a refresher on the states we are visiting.

I'd also like to know what food chains allow/don't allow open or concealed carry. I know it is a stretch to expect to have all that info in one place and someone to keep it up to date.