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Constitutional Carry Bill Filed in Ky. Senate

Mar 11, 2018
Bill passed clean without amendments from what I've read -- thankfully!

This has been a long time coming and Gutshot was instrumental in it finally passing. I know he has worked tirelessly to get permitless carry here in KY for many years and his hard work has finally paid off. Many others were also instrumental, but I would personally like to thank Gutshot for his dedication to the rights of all Kentuckians and his perseverance. Many generations to come will be free of infringements because of him and others like him.

Now we stay vigilant and make sure this isn't rescinded or amended. Rocky Adkins opposed the bill from what I've read and that is concerning. It is also concerning that the Kentucky FoP opposed the bill. We finally have one right back that was taken from us long ago! Now light up the phones of your senators and representatives in Washington and make it known we don't want any bills passing that infringe on our 2A rights. It seems our only hope is in the Senate so make sure they know where you stand.

Edit: I really wish I could get my old account back. I very much dislike seeing "Newbie" under my name when I've been around here for almost 8 years. Grapeshot, is there any way that is possible old friend?

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
From what I have read and heard online and news reporting no amendments got adopted and it passed clean. I am sure GS will report and confirm if thats so!
Before the vote started there were 20 amendments. All of them were voted down or abandoned. The bill passed "as written". All of this will be available on KET.org soon. It lasted 3 hours.
Believe me, the libs. tried to stop this. The REpreaentatives from Jefferson especially. They were desperate.


Regular Member
Mar 20, 2013
Before the vote started there were 20 amendments. All of them were voted down or abandoned. The bill passed "as written". All of this will be available on KET.org soon. It lasted 3 hours.
Believe me, the libs. tried to stop this. The REpreaentatives from Jefferson especially. They were desperate.
cant wait to review what all went down today! Thanks as always for being at the front lines in helping and informing us all in this fight for gun rights!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

Edit: I really wish I could get my old account back. I very much dislike seeing "Newbie" under my name when I've been around here for almost 8 years. Grapeshot, is there any way that is possible old friend?

Your extremely active attendance and following of this premier forum must have missed the passing of and numerous memorialization postings and gatherings in honour of the late great forum moderator ~ Dale, AKA grapeshot!

Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky


After months of hard work from the National Association for Gun Rights and activists like you, I’m proud to announce that today the Kentucky House passed SB 150, Constitutional Carry, by a vote of 60-37.

A special thanks to pro-gun State Representative Savannah Maddox for leading the charge for this pro-gun bill.

With Governor Bevin already pledging to sign the bill, Kentucky may be only days away from becoming the 15th Constitutional Carry state!

So please, take a moment to call the Governor at 502-564-2611, and thank him for his support on SB 150.

Constitutional Carry passes KY State House 60-37
Constitutional Carry restores the gun rights of honest citizens by repealing the unconstitutional fees and burdens surrounding our natural right to bear arms while in public.

Steve, I could not have done this without the actions and support of people just like you.

They helped make the phone calls, send the emails, and pay for the numerous phone operators, Facebook and Google ads.

We would not be celebrating success today without you.

So again, thank you for your continued support on this and other important legislation.

To help, please considering renewing or extending your membership to the National Association for gun rights by clicking here.

Or please consider a chip-in donation for $5, $10, $15, or more.

Every penny you give will help pay for the tens of thousands of dollars spent on this important fight.

Today is an important day for gun owners in Kentucky and we at the National Association for Gun Rights are happy to get to work with and beside activists like yourself.

Again, thank you.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. After months of hard work from the National Association for Gun Rights and activists like you, I’m proud to announce that today the Kentucky House passed SB 150, Constitutional Carry, in Kentucky.

To help, please consider renewing or extending your membership to the National Association for gun rights by clicking here.

Or please consider a chip-in donation for $5, $10, $15, or more.

Thank you for your help in this important fight.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
While I'm very glad SB150 passed I wish folks who should know better would stop calling it "constitutional carry".

Constitutional carry does not exist in any state in this nation.

It hasn't since before most of us were born. And won't until every federal and state gun regulation is repealed.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Section 55 of of the Ky. Constitution says that all bills passed in a legislative session,with a few exceptions, become effective 90 days from the end of the legislative session. The last day of this years session is scheduled for March 28. So, all the bills will become effective on the same day. June 27th, or there abouts. It makes no difference when the Governor signs the bill.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
If the governor refuses to sign/veto the bill, will the passed bill become law after XX days? Missouri has this, 90 days I think, has happened before, not very often though.