The courts have ruled over, and over again.
Really? Citations please to these many multitude of rulings.
I believe the SCOTUS is all but silent on RKBA in the ante-bellum period. In modern times we have Miller, Heller, and McDonald. In other words, jurisprudence on RKBA is still in its infancy. Lower court rulings on the matter prior to McDonald pretty much all amounted to "the SCOTUS hasn't said otherwise so we are going to rule narrowly and generally hostile to RKBA every chance we get."
But I welcome citations to the contrary.
The most originalist, conservative, constitutional judge ruled in Heller that concealed carry is not covered in the constitution, and that it is subject to restrictions/permits.
And he also utterly failed to say anything different regarding OC. He also said that all manner of well established but wholly offensive restrictions on locations where guns could be restricted were not affected by the Heller decision. Heller addressed usable guns in one's own home and ruled that there is, in fact, an individual right to possess a usable gun in one's home. Nothing else. Heller said nothing good (or bad) about any right to posses a gun outside the home. Anything and everything else is little more than commentary that we fully expect and hope to have overturned or enlarged in subsequent rulings. Let us remember, as analogy, Lawrence and Windser said nothing about homosexuals having a right to marriage licenses/benefits in any particular State.
Sorry but permitless concealed carry at this point is NOT constitutional carry, and most likely after Scalia's words never will be. We should be working to remove the restriction in place on constitutional open carry, remove permits for open carry in some states.
I understand supporting OC.
I do not understand hostility to discrete carry. I do not read where the 2nd amendment imposes a dress code.
It is one thing to tell us, in honest, full context what the current state of jurisprudence is. It is quite another bow down and lick the boots of black robed lawyers as if any decision was or should be the final decision on what the constitution permits, prohibits or mandates. Thank heaven civil rights activists did not book lick Plessy v. Ferguson the way some here seem anxious to kiss the hind end of the court to justify their own statist desire to force others to carry in their chosen manner.
If/once open carry is confirmed as a right that can not be licensed conceal carry permits will fall like rain in a thunderstorm. The statists are so afraid of OC, they will drop all permitting for CC to encourage it over OC.
Good theory. I will accept citations of what progress has been made there in the last 15 years.
I will provide 13 States, from Alaska in 2003 to Missouri in January of this year (2017) who have moved to adopt permit-free concealed carry as the next large step in recognizing the
RIGHT to keep and bear arms without prior restraint.
I'm not opposed to any legal, peaceful path that increases our RKBA. I just am not going to let irrational beliefs or blind adherence to any particular creed cloud my judgment. I haven't seen much movement on increased statutory respect for OC the last few years, nor I have seen where increasing such regard for OC has shown a pattern of then leading to increased statutory respect for CC.
I'm open to examples of correction. But I know that Walking Wolf hides from such engagement with anyone who actually provides enough data to require him to consider his views based on data, rather than on dogma. It seems some cops can retire and still not be able to accept they don't get to control every situation.