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DC files a Motion for Reconsideration in Palmer v. DC handgun carry case

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
I was wondering if DC would actually file this motion or simply file a notice of appeal. Now we know. DC filed its motion today, beating the deadline. Curiously, DC has not also filed a motion asking the district court to extend the deadline for filing a notice of appeal.

Here is a link to the motion filed today.

Charles Nichols – President of California Right To Carry
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California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
It still doesn't change the date to file an appeal with the Circuit, which is Thursday.

FRAP 4(a)(4)(A)(iv) extends the time to file the appeal until the current Rule 59 motion is disposed of. The Defendants can still file notice of an appeal before then but the notice won't become effective until after an order disposing of the motion is entered.

It was kind of silly for DC to file a motion for reconsideration. There is no time limit for the district court to rule on the motion for reconsideration. For all practical purposes, the District has now handed judge Scullin a bazooka. Judge Scullin can let the current 90 day stay expire and if DC hasn't written a new law by then, the injunction goes into effect absent a further stay. If DC writes a new law or amends the current law which is not to the liking of the plaintiffs then they can amend their Complaint to challenge the new/amended law.

In short, if judge Scullin wants to keep this case in his courtroom for another five years, he can.

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

I was wondering if DC would actually file this motion or simply file a notice of appeal. Now we know. DC filed its motion today, beating the deadline. Curiously, DC has not also filed a motion asking the district court to extend the deadline for filing a notice of appeal.

Here is a link to the motion filed today.

Charles Nichols – President of California Right To Carry

I read the motion at the link...

What a big slimy pile of Steaming, Stinky SHlT!!!!
Every anti 2A LIE ever told is listed in that "Document" as proof the the court erred...


Regular Member
Dec 17, 2013
Ashburn, Va
What does this mean in layman speak? DC is asking Scullin to reconsider his ruling? Like asking for a retrial in a case with a jury? Or is DC asking for another judge to weigh in? I'm not sure how these processes work.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
It still doesn't change the date to file an appeal with the Circuit, which is Thursday.

The date for an appeal starts ticking once a final judgment is made, which would be after the reconsideration as the court still has jurisdiction in the case until that time.

One is not required to file a reconsideration but one can.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
So it's 30 days from the date of the judge's ruling on the reconsideration?

Yuuuup. A final decision by the lower court. Mind you, they could have taken the outcome as final w/filing a motion to reconsider..up to an aggrieved party really..in most cases, like here.

Baked on Grease

Regular Member
Jul 4, 2011
Sterling, Va.
That hurt my head to read. They were referring back to the 1300s with Great Britain law.
Yup... citing all the reasons the english subjects went to war with the English Crown multiple times to ultimately end up with a U.S.A.?

Will be drop dead hilariois if the judge makes this point in his decision...

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
The Federal Rules of Civil and Appellate Procedure

Here is a link to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) which are applicable to the district courts with the caveat that the various districts (e.g., Central District of California) can qualify these rules as well as ignore and add some of there own. FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE

Here is a link to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (FRAP) which are applicable to the circuit courts with the caveat that the various circuits (e.g., 9th Circuit Court of Appeals) can qualify these rules as well as ignore and add some of there own. FEDERAL RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE

The timing of appeals is governed by FRAP Rule 4. As I had previous posted, filing a FRCP Rule 59 motion resets the clock on when the appeal must be filed until the motion is disposed of. It also delays a notice of appeal from going into effect until the FRCP Rule 59 motion is disposed of.

Charles Nichols – President of California Right To Carry

P.S. District court judges can have their own set of rules specific to their courtroom.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
This is really great news!!!!

Ah yes, the fools in DC are doing just what we want them to do. They are serving up on a silver platter the question of whether the right to bear arms is a core part of the 2nd Amendment. How could we be so lucky. DC will give us the opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of the 2A two step!!!

We just have to pray that the 5 normal judges in SCOTUS remain healthy long enough to deliver the knock out ruling that confirms the right to bear arms. Seems strange that we need to do that, but look how stupid the 2nd 3rd 4th and 10th circuits have ruled.


Regular Member
Sep 22, 2006
Washington, DC USA
An interesting article in today's Washington Post.

"Judge having spoken, D.C. officials consider allowing residents to carry guns."


"To carry or not to carry? That is no longer the question.

One month after a federal judge’s ruling, District officials have conceded that the city’s long-standing ban on carrying guns in public must be scrapped and replaced with a new law that will allow at least some law-abiding city residents to bear arms on city streets.

With only a 90-day stay of the ruling in place, the effort to write a new law is on a fast track, but it remains fraught with political, legal and policy complications. Among the issues to be resolved: Will the city allow only the open carrying of arms, “concealed carry,” or both? Will “sensitive areas” near national landmarks or government buildings be deemed gun-free zones? And to what extent will non-resident gun owners be permitted to bring their weapons into the city?"


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2007
The Capital City of Oaks - Raleigh, NC
Uhm, about that...

We just have to pray that the 5 normal judges in SCOTUS remain healthy long enough to deliver the knock out ruling that confirms the right to bear arms. Seems strange that we need to do that, but look how stupid the 2nd 3rd 4th and 10th circuits have ruled.

So when do get the SCOTUS judge pack that'll deliver the knock out ruling on "shall not be infringed?" Wake me up when we get close.


Regular Member
Jun 11, 2009
Shalimar, Florida
It's at week's end - do we "know" anything ?

We were supposed to "know" something of importance by the end of this week regarding whether DC's gun laws would be enforced. Will Chief Lanier's memo to cease enforcement be re-instated?
I'm ready for the Million Man March. And to sue the National Park Service if their count is not to my satisfaction.


Activist Member
Jun 2, 2009
Montgomery County, MD
No, since DC filed a motion for reconsideration by the Judge, he must rule on that before the 30 day appeal clock starts. He has no time limit on his ruling timeline for that as I understand it.

so we wait