THERE'S an idea. Why not carry out some professionaly-timed* drills that measure the time of CC and of OC (similar to the Tueller drills)?
*Professionally, as in, done by someone of the scientific community who could then help you publish the results in respected journals dealing with something like psychology (or another of the "Social Sciences"
). It could help someone down the line if they need scientific proof in court.
I figure you would need:
A sample size of about 100 or more individuals with roughly equal gender distribution, and across the age spectrum, with varying degrees of competency with firearms (from "none" to "recreational" "pro competitor", and even a few "military")
A slate of holsters varying in retention levels to be used in both the CC and OC trials (to be fair)
Blanks or Simunition to use in the firearm (for safety)
"Casual" and "business" clothing (no "tacticool" or "competition" clothes) to keep the simulations near REAL-WORLD expectations