If you folks would go back and pay close attention to the video you will hear the brothers reciting the text of PC185 back to the cops when they are threatened with arrest for violation of that code, specifically emphasizing the 'attempt to evade detection/identification' portion, then segueing into the statement that they had removed the masks upon request and therefore the purpose of the mask could not be in any way shape or form considered to be for the purpose that the cops were alleging.
The brothers DID know the law and were NOT afoul of it....the cops just didn't care. Since they specifically stated that the masks were for political theater purposes, this video illustrates a clear violation of their first amendment rights...and constitutes a criminal violation of 18 USC 242, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.
The brothers DID know the law and were NOT afoul of it....the cops just didn't care. Since they specifically stated that the masks were for political theater purposes, this video illustrates a clear violation of their first amendment rights...and constitutes a criminal violation of 18 USC 242, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.
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