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Felony Expungement question

Jason in WI

Regular Member
Mar 5, 2010
Under your bed
Does anyone have the link on how to have stuff expunged handy? I know its been posted before but searching on my phone is a pain.

The reason I ask is im talking to a guy right now that was denied by the DOJ for having a felony, but apparently he was pardoned by the governor after he served his time. I guess he was convicted at around 17 and something about it being common to be pardoned back then. I don't know what the deal is but he has passed multiple checks over the years with no problem. He even holds a valid Utah CCL. The pardon happened over 50 years ago so im unsure of what his problem would be, the only thing I can think of is it was never removed from the recored or maybe the DOJ will deny a CWL with a "sealed" record or whatever happens.

I do know he was charged (unsuccessfully) with CCW thirty years ago and they tried to charge him with everything and the kitchen sink and felony possession wasn't one of the charges.

Sorry in advance for not just doing a search but im at work with limited time and searching on my phone is a pain.

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Regular Member
Jan 5, 2010
Trempealeau County
To start, I would have him get a copy of his Criminal History to see what is actually on it.

It sounds like he is not a prohibited person, but does have a felony conviction on his Criminal History. His pardon may not show up on that. Maybe his Criminal History Record can be ammended to show the pardon, but you cannot get the record expunged.

He could also Appeal to a Circuit Court under 175.60 9(14m).


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Even expunged items never disappear for law enforcement purposes. He might keep getting denied.

Best thing will be to open a Voluntary Appeal File, so that his eligibility is settled before NICS is ever called.