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Fidgetty carriers?


Regular Member
Oct 4, 2006
Cary, North Carolina, USA
imported post


I've just recently got the itching to start carrying. I've been an avid rifle/shotgun shooter for some time, but have just recently been interested in pistols, and after seeing a couple people OC here in Raleigh, NC I've been interested in doing the same (esp. after hearing a couple of horror stories of people being mugged, etc) but I have one major concern. I have a tendancy to fidget! I have a very strong respect for guns, but not being used to carrying I fear that I might be standing in line somewhere, and find myself i.e. adjusting my holster or just touching the handle out of sheer fidgetty-ness. I'm sure this would freak a lot of people out who might be watching me like a hawk, and I also fear that I might startle another carrier who might over react (ouch).

Does anyone else worry about this kind of thing? Accidentally causing others to feel threatened? I have a very friendly demeanor and try very hard to be courtious even in the face of a-holes, etc, but this one thing worries me.

Also, I see a lot of people on here talking about dressing professionally... I usually wear jeans and an untucked t-shirt, occasionally with a baseball cap. Would you all recommend a change in daily attire, or are there others who dress more casually while OCing?

Thanks in advance for the advice. :)

Two-Bit Shooter

P.S. What kind of pistol is that in the upper corner of the forum? (I'm very new to pistols, and am trying to learn as much as I can)


Regular Member
May 23, 2006
, Tennessee, USA
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I took up smoking when I started carrying... So I'd have something to occupy my hands with.

(Ok, not really...)

But, I remember at first that it was instinctive to want to adjust my holster and stuff... That impulse died as the practice of carrying became more mundane. And now,most ofthe time I pay little attention to the fact that I have a gun on my hip. It is like second nature... I fidget more when I DON'T have the gun! It's like having pants on; when I was a baby I wanted to be naked, and tried to pull at my pants all the time. Now, I wouldn't be seen in public without them!

You'll get used to it. The key is getting a comfortable holster, and a gun which isn't overly bulky or heavy, for your comfort and tastes.

I'm sure that you can find a mode of OC which will tastefully match your personal 'style'... I go with a pair of jeans and a polo or even a t-shirt sometimes when OCing. I'm just careful to wear clothes which are clean and in good condition, and whichdon't have crude or offensive slogans/images on them (I don't own any, anyways...). I prefer to appear clean-cut, and I won't OC if I'm covered in grease and oil after a tinker session at the garage, since I don't want to look like a ragamuffin with a gun... The objective is to not draw any negative attention which would make anyone question your maturity or intentions. Not because you have anything to 'prove' to anyone, or have any responsibility to pacifythe liberal nut-cases, but because of the reason any of us carry... We are concientious and responsible adults who want to ensure our safety, and the safety of those in our care or proximity.



Oh yeah, P.S., the gun in the upper corner is a Sig P229 Sport


Regular Member
May 20, 2006
Washington, Washington, USA
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molonlabetn wrote:
But, I remember at first that it was instinctive to want to adjust my holster and stuff... That impulse died as the practice of carrying became more mundane. And now,most ofthe time I pay little attention to the fact that I have a gun on my hip. It is like second nature... I fidget more when I DON'T have the gun! It's like having pants on; when I was a baby I wanted to be naked, and tried to pull at my pants all the time. Now, I wouldn't be seen in public without them!

You'll get used to it. The key is getting a comfortable holster, and a gun which isn't overly bulky or heavy, for your comfort and tastes.


Excellent comments.

As far as your attire goes, jeans and a untucked shirt can be acceptable attire as long as they are neat and clean. No holes, cuts, or excessive dirt and you should be fine.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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What I do is usually carry somthing in my carry hand - like keys, coffe cup, item at the grocery store, etc., that could be dropped in an emergency instantly - and, if I was ever accused of touching my gun so as to threaten anyone, I can testify, without even blinking, that "...this would be impossible as in my right hand I was carrying X at all times,as the store or mall video can surely verify..."

This is especially helpful for the first few times you OC.

Once you OC a few times in public, you will fee much more at ease whebn concealed carrying.


Regular Member
Oct 4, 2006
Cary, North Carolina, USA
imported post

Mike wrote:
What I do is usually carry somthing in my carry hand - like keys, coffe cup, item at the grocery store, etc., that could be dropped in an emergency instantly - and, if I was ever accused of touching my gun so as to threaten anyone, I can testify, without even blinking, that "...this would be impossible as in my right hand I was carrying X at all times,as the store or mall video can surely verify..."

This is especially helpful for the first few times you OC.

Once you OC a few times in public, you will fee much more at ease whebn concealed carrying.
This seems like a good idea. I had seen some others (possibly you) mention this idea in other threads, and I think it might really help ease my fears of being mistaken. Thanks