Regular Member
Am i mistaken or have I read on here that a polling place is (unless otherwise prohibited) a prohibited carry location?
In other states, e.g. South Carolina. Don't give the gun controllers right or left any new ideas.Am i mistaken or have I read on here that a polling place is (unless otherwise prohibited) a prohibited carry location?
Voting rights? Aww, geeze, not this shiite again. There is no natural law, Constitutional, federal or Wisconsin right to vote.
I made the affirmative assertion, "there is", that a right to vote cannot be cited from any competent compendium of natural law, from the U. S. Constitution, from the Bill of Rights (the amendments disallow particular restrictions on enfranchisement), federal law or the Wisconsin Constitution.
An effective controversion/contradiction might have the structure of, 'yes there is! Paragraph XX of this document says that all adults enjoy suffrage/enfranchisement/voting-rights. There is no such thing.
Your cite from the Wisconsin Constitution establishes electors of a district, an argument as remote as United States Presidents are elected by the Electoral College and not by the people.
"If a felon may properly be disbarred his rights (including his right to vote) under color of law then we can all be legally disarmed (and disenfranchised) merely by sufficiently lowering the bar of felony." No one quibbles 'no RKABA' yet few would restore felons' RKABA and fewer argue for felons enfranchisement.
Doug, we've been through this before.Herr Heckler Koch said:Voting rights? Aww, geeze, not this shiite again. There is no natural law, Constitutional, federal or Wisconsin right to vote.
Am i mistaken or have I read on here that a polling place is (unless otherwise prohibited) a prohibited carry location?
Could easily have been thinking of Georgia. Carrying within 46 meters (1,800 inches) of a polling place is one of the enumerated prohibited areas.I wonder if i was reading something from another state?? thats the problem with too much info to keep straight in my head!
Could easily have been thinking of Georgia. Carrying within 46 meters (1,800 inches) of a polling place is one of the enumerated prohibited areas.