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JBTennessee wrote:
Seeing that I can now legally attend I'm really looking forward to it. I've set my budget at $300 tops (not too much money left). ....first sidearm.
Unless there is a right-now need, I'd do a lot of shopping and research first. Resist the impulse to buy right away.If the budget is tight, its even more important to get itfairly right the first time.Youprobably won't be able to geta refund. Ask the reverse question. If I don't like this gun after I've had it for a while, how long will it take to save up enough to buy what I want,factoring in that I might lose some on the first gun when I re-sell it? If you need to, spend a few bucks ona basic defensive handgun book that includes a chapter onwhat to consider whenselecting a handgun, or ask here on OCDO. Some self-defense websites might have the info right on one of their webpages. My first defensive handgun turned out to be a really bad choice. Decent gun, but not suited to my hand, too large for CC when I decided to start CC-ing, smaller caliber than I should have gotten.
After deciding what characteristics you want in a gun, I'd suggest researching in the direction of compiling a list of candidate guns that have those characteristics. You can start your research with manufacturers' websites, usingMSRP to gauge gunshow prices. Then go to gun stores and gun shows and try each candidate for how well it fits your hand. Dry firethem a few times to see if you like the way the trigger feels,etc.Your priorities about characteristics will probably shift around a bit as you weigh them against price. Eventually you'll narrow the list to one or two choices.If ashooting range rents your final candidate, rentit and put 50 rounds through it before you buy your own copy.
Buying a used gun brings another dimension--is the gun in good condition? You'll want to research what to look for in the way of wear,tear, and damage. It can be a little likebuying a used car.
You'll also want to check the internet forums for known problems with a particular model gun. You can even ask here on OCDO if anybody knows anything negative about a particular candidate gun.
Realize that a $300 gun willturn into a $400 gun or moreby the time you are done. You'll need that firstfew boxes of ammo, a cleaning kit, maybe a holster, maybe some magazines or speedloaders, maybe somepouches for the latter.However,a lot of these "accessory" purchases can come later.
After my research, I ended up with agun that fit my budget, fits my hand great, and is an excellent defensive caliber. It was my first alternate, not mypreferred--the preferred was over the budget just enough to be unwise. However, now I have a gun Ilike while I save up for my preference. Even if itstwo or three years before I buy it, I'mhappy with the one I've got in the meantime.In fact,I'll be keeping it even after I get my preference.