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First time open carrying


New member
Oct 13, 2009
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Well guys I finally got to do it I'm a Florida resident but I'm an Over the road truck driver for a company out of Maine. Well I recently bought a beretta m96 centurion used and it came with a serpa holster and 2 10 round mags. I bought the gun for protection after 1 of our other drivers got mugged and beat up at a truck stop in Texas.

I still don't have my CWP for Florida yet but next time I'm home I'm taking the course along with a non resident course for Maine and Utah. That should get me covered for CC in 38 states and that's mostly where I travel on a regular basis.

Well back to the Maine part I got a chance to open carry in Maine first place I tried walmart then the verizon store I walked some other places but it is still winter in Maine so it's a wee bit chilly out. All in all it was a good experience. No one bothered me,no cops called. I noticed a few people checking it out as it is a larg framed gun but all in all good. Thanx for all the very useful info on this site


Regular Member
Jun 9, 2012
I do not know what florida requires for classes to get a concealed carry permit, but I would imagine that the class you take for florida will suffice for Maine. I am currently in Hawaii and moving back to Maine in a couple months, I got my Maine out of state CWP and they had no problems with my NRA basic pistol course I took here in Hawaii as my training certification. Long story short you may not need additional courses.

That said, I am an advocate for as much training as one can possibly get.
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