Founder's Club Member
Oh, but we do. Its called a ballot petition.
And, enough people approve their "application", the criminal is allowed to take the oath of office.
I can't help feel that there is a page worth of postings removed. This must be one of those new 'no free speech' zones we keep hearing about now.
There are at least two examples of Florida case law that I'm aware of in which the court declared licensed concealed carry to be a privilege, not a right. Therefore, we have no right to carry in Florida. Rights cannot be dependent on licensing, fees, or training requirements. That is considered to be the legal equivalent of a poll tax and is unconstitutional.
No, Schlitz, you just need to meet the min. age requirements to see the truly adult posts that you have been blocked from viewing.
There are at least two examples of Florida case law that I'm aware of in which the court declared licensed concealed carry to be a privilege, not a right. Therefore, we have no right to carry in Florida. Rights cannot be dependent on licensing, fees, or training requirements. That is considered to be the legal equivalent of a poll tax and is unconstitutional.
Indeed. But even the issue of license/permits, has a lot more to do with just being another mechanism for the State to collect fees of some sort, than of actually controlling anything, or denying anyone anything. It's almost all about the $$$.
And then there's the funds the State gets for fingerprint processing, licensing the folks who become "authorized" by the State to give the CCW classes, etc. It just snow-balls into more ways to collect funds, is all.
WE take it as some affront to our rights, etc. -which for us it is-but to the State? It's just more $$ to gather from yet another activity.
Indeed. But even the issue of license/permits, has a lot more to do with just being another mechanism for the State to collect fees of some sort, than of actually controlling anything, or denying anyone anything. It's almost all about the $$$.
And then there's the funds the State gets for fingerprint processing, licensing the folks who become "authorized" by the State to give the CCW classes, etc. It just snow-balls into more ways to collect funds, is all.
WE take it as some affront to our rights, etc. -which for us it is-but to the State? It's just more $$ to gather from yet another activity.
Huh? The state doesn't 'license' folks to teach CWFL classes. The state accepts the credentials of certain certified instructors. Now, K-licensed folks can teach CWFLs, and they pay fees to the state, but you don't have to have a K-license to teach a CWFL class.
So you're saying that any old Joe Sixpack can just up and provide CWFL certification classes without the State's blessing?
So you're saying that any old Joe Sixpack can just up and provide CWFL certification classes without the State's blessing?
I went into my local Sheriff's office today to find out about weapons transport without a permit. They stated that even without a permit you can have your hand gun in your glove box fully loaded while it is securely encased.
I went into my local Sheriff's office today to find out about weapons transport without a permit. They stated that even without a permit you can have your hand gun in your glove box fully loaded while it is securely encased.
I'd advise you not to ask law enforcement what the law is. You were fortunate in that you got a mostly correct answer. There are thousands of laws, and law enforcement is only likely to know the ones they deal with on a regular basis. If they don't know, you will likely get the answer they perceive will cause the least problem for them and the public, which is often incorrect.
If you have any questions, email Florida Carry. There is a link on the website to contact us. We have firearms attorneys on staff who can give you the correct answer.
This. I can't even begin to tell you how many myths, urban legends, and blatantly false information regarding firearms law I have heard from LEO's. After the Aurora shooting, I was speaking with an LEO I know and he in utter disbelief said to me "I just don't understand how they say he bought all his guns legally. He didn't have a hunting license or concealed handgun permit, so I don't know how he could have gotten those guns."
Most LEO's just see LE as a job. A lot of them don't keep up with case law, and a lot of the time not even statutory law. A lot of them aren't familiar with firearms aside from how to operate their duty weapon. I have a buddy who became a LEO and quit after a few months because it wasn't for him. I asked if he was going to go get his FL CWP...he said "Nah bro, my law enforcement certification is good for like another 3 years so I'm just gonna carry with that." (You can only carry as a LEO if you are actively employed as a LEO...)
Moral of the story: Don't ask cops legal questions unless it pertains to domestic violence, drugs, or traffic violations :]