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Forum Help


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Iam new but I have a question on gun registration! !

first welcome to the forum, david...

second, uh, a bit more info is required such as what state is your question directed

third, once that is established, the nice moderator (i have to say that or he beats me unmercifully :banana:) will then move your query to the appropriate state sub forum.

again welcome and hang in there those in the know should be here shortly...



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
first welcome to the forum, david...

second, uh, a bit more info is required such as what state is your question directed

third, once that is established, the nice moderator (i have to say that or he beats me unmercifully :banana:) will then move your query to the appropriate state sub forum.

again welcome and hang in there those in the know should be here shortly...

In an earlier post he indicated he was in Texas........and asked the same question there with a bit more detail. His question has been answered.

Need to remind people about rule #7........ "It is also considered spamming to post the same thread [posts too frequently] (even valid ones) to multiple forums."

The beatings will continue until morale improves - that and some people actuall beg for it. :p