1 - what's up with the enlarged font size and bolding? Is it necessary to bellow?
Sorry for the font,, I wanted to bold your quote,,, then it just got out of hand,, ooops...
2 - are you aware of the various reason given for carrying a golf club if you are not on the links/driving range? Most fall into the use of a weapon to protect against dogs/bad guys/interstellar aliens. So therefore there is a good possibility the cop saw the golf club as a weapon. And a golf club being carried as a weapon is IMO more unusual than the wearing of a gun and thus reasonable inquiry is not out of line.*
He was not Carrying it,, he was using it as a cane..
even a cane could be seen by a cop as a weapon,, maybe even an unusual one,, so what...
and still a walking stick seen as a weapon is not illegal and not ras..
3 - BUT unless it was being used in some harmful way, we get back to the question of "is there a law against carrying a weapon?"
4 - Just which "perfectly normal and civil and polite activities" are you referring to?
Perfectly normal and polite activities include what this nice man was doing,,,
Waiting on the corner, with his bag of groceries, leaning on his walking stick,
waiting for the crosswalk light to signal his turn to cross the street!
5 - I agree that there was no RAS, based on the little information provided by the article. I also suggested that there were several other ways the officer could have handled the situation without needing to leave the relative safety of the car. I guess some people need to be told in so many words that I was strongly implying that the way the incident was handled was low to way off the bottom of the scale of "these are good ways to find out what's up with the golf club".
I read your post,, It gave the cop unlawful latitude to make demands of a citizen to divest himself
of the support he very well may have needed to stand there and be unlawfully detained!
6 - please explain to me in short words just how "relatively reasonable" is one step away from "papers please".
"Reasonable" is a huge weasel word used most by "mad moms for gun control",
it is akin to "for the children", "go along to get along", "im with the government and im here to help you"!
stay safe.
* - just how twisted would your underoos be if the story was that the cop initiated a consensual contact inquiring as to why the old man was carrying a golf club? And especially if that consensual contact started with the cop still inside the car?
my underroos would be just fine,,, if the cop had politly asked the guy why he used a golf club for a
walking stick,,, that would be both legal,, and polite,, and probably been the end of the whole fiasco!!