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Grocery Store USPO Contract unit


Regular Member
Nov 11, 2006
, ,
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My local grocery store (in PA)just got a united states post office a contract unit.

I have no idea what that means (contract unit).

Does it have the same rules and regulations regarding firearm carry now?

It didn't have a sign displayed saying anything that you would normally would find in a USPO. No explosives/weapons signs. Basically just a sign saying United States Post office contract unit.

Anyone have any knowledge as to what ramifications this might have?

Do I have to go to a new store?


Regular Member
Sep 14, 2006
Princeton, West Virginia, USA
imported post

As far as I know it makes no difference unless the place is posted (at least in WV) becasue by getting the postal contract it does not make the grocery store a federal building. The Kroger here in Princeton has a 'Post Office' and it is not posted and I have seen a 1 or 2 people carrying in there. (They were 'concealed' carrying, gun in back pocket, I could see the grip but it was technically concealed) and there was no problems, a deputy asked one of them for a concealed permit which he produced and let the man go on his way.
----edit to add:----
keep in mind that i am by no means a law expert, i actually know very little about the way the legal system works, just sharing an experience


Regular Member
Aug 20, 2006
Culpeper, Virginia, USA
imported post

A "contract unit" is basically a private establishment which has a contract with the USPS to sell stamps, accept mailings, etc. They are not a "post office." They basically get the right to use the USPS logos etc, and can do most of the functions a full blown PO can, like accept certified, insured, etc. mail. Many UPS Stores, etc. are contract units.

What that has to do with the law, I have no idea. But carefully read the USPS laws and remember that a contract unit is NOT a post office.