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Guam Shall Issue Becomes Law


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
Governor Calvo of Guam signed Bill 296-32 into law on the 21st of May, 2014. One of the last changes to be made to the bill before it was sent to the Governor was to change the term of the permit to three years instead of six. From kuam.com:

...and finally the governor signed Bill 296 into law. The bill changes language for concealed firearms licensing from "may" to shall." that means concealed firearm licenses shall be issued to an applicant who meets the various specifications.

The Bill 296-32 is now Public Law 32-150. Here are some of the features of the new law:

Requires that a permit for a concealed firearm be issued if requirements are met.
Includes all handguns, rifles, and shotguns
Includes all concealed weapons other than firearms
Is only available to residents of Guam
Puts a limit on the required, non-refundable fee of $100
Requires issue within 90 days of the receipt of a complete application
Includes methods to regain rights previously lost
Is valid for a period of three years
Provides for a 180 day grace period to renew the permit
Requires a color photograph
Requires fingerprints; if legible fingerprints cannot be made, can be issued by check of ID
Applicants must be 21 years of age
Requires a desire for a legal means to carry a firearm for lawful self defense
DD214, NRA, or State Hunter Safety Courses among others, meet training course requirement
Reason for denial required to be given
Notice of renewal requirement will be mailed out 90 days before expiration

Guam now joins the 41 states that have laws that require the issuance of a permit if the legal requirements are met. California and Hawaii have been required to convert to a "shall issue" status pending the resolution of the Peruta decision. Vermont does not require the issuance of a permit, and does not issue one. Only six states now fall into the category where the issuing authority may arbitrarily refuse to issue a permit. Those states are New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Delaware.

Three of those states, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York, have no state constitutional provision protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch


Links to law in the article


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Congratulations to you all.

I just hope that all the folks standing in line to hand in their applications do not cause the island to tip over.*

stay safe.

* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjG958lZ1KI (I'm so sorry. It's not about you, it's about him. But that joke may never go away even long after he has left office.)

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana

Åpmam tiempo ti hu li'e hao

This is great news for all on island. I miss Guam and loved it while I lived there.

Taotaogalu, are you doing well,mate?

Gary Slider

Regular Member
Jun 25, 2006
, ,
From everything I have found the Guam Legislature puts an effective date in every bill they pass. I can't find an effective date in their new Shall Issue Law. Can someone point me in the right direction to find out when it goes into effect? If it is now been assigned a public law number is it in effect now? I don't see how they could get set up to issue right away. It will take time to set up a system that will work. Any help in finding something that states the effective date would be very much appreciated.


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
The PDF for Public Law 32-150 says the Governor signed it into law

If you look on the PDF file at the link:

http://www.guamlegislature.org/Public_Laws_32nd/Public Law 32-150 - Bill No 296-32 (COR).pdf

you will see that the Governor says that he signs it into law on 21 May, 2014. I suspect that it is in effect now. It is only modifications to the exising "May issue" law, so they do not have to change very much.

I have emailed the Chief of Police to obtain information on how the law will be implemented.

Gary Slider

Regular Member
Jun 25, 2006
, ,
Like you I believe giving it a public law number puts it in effect. It doesn't really matter as no license has been issued and until the Guam Police set up the system they are going to use there will be no licenses to conceal carry. Since it is an endorsement on the Firearms ID Card they already have almost all the info they need. Thank you!


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2006
Michigan, USA
I understand the changes. The bill formerly allowed for a separate 6 year concealed ID card. Now the law will require a non-concealed FID card and the additional concealed ID card will basically piggyback off of the non-concealed ID card.

For example, if you have 11 months left before your non-concealed FID expires and you apply for a CCW, the concealed ID card will only be valid for 11 months and the fee will be prorated to reflect that.

I think they did this as a book keeping action. It would be confusing if someone had a concealed ID card and their non-concealed FID card was expired (which is a possession license in Guam).

Except for the treatment of non-citizens and non-residents. This is a very good concealed carry law. It applies to all firearms (unlike many states) and makes it clear that you can carry concealed weapons as well.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Congratulations to you all.

I just hope that all the folks standing in line to hand in their applications do not cause the island to tip over.*

stay safe.

* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjG958lZ1KI (I'm so sorry. It's not about you, it's about him. But that joke may never go away even long after he has left office.)

+1 I second that congrats!

Hahaha I remember that! Still hilarious after all these years.


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2011
Boone County, KY
Good for all you residents of Guam!

Now, still awaiting for "Hawaii still (since Statehood) misbehaving badly" to be forced to go Shall-Issue (as it apparently won't do the right thing and go voluntarily).

As well as New Jersey and Maryland. < These are the worst states (along with Hawaii for "May Not Issue"). We need to work on Puerto Rico and Washington DC as well.

*California and New York State are shall issue in some counties. Rhode Island is 1/2 Shall issue and Delaware while it is 'may issue', it does often issue carry permits... but with a strange process.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
As you may know, HI doesn't allow OC and is SUPPOSED to be may-issue of CC permits -- at least that's what it says on paper -- except it never issues any.

HPD (Honolulu Police Department) Chief Louis "no-issue" Kealoha apparently has NEVER HEARD any CC applicant state a "good & compelling reason" to carry a handgun so he doesn't issue permits. The only ones in HI who have the "tool" needed for self-defense out on the (sometimes) mean streets of HI are LEOS. Consequently, the residents of HI have NO way to carry legally...and no HOPE of ever doing so as things stand now.

The FACT that we ALL have a "good & compelling reason" to carry -- we each have our LIFE to protect -- just isn't good enough for so-called Police Chief Kealoha...or his also pathetic partner in keeping the people of HI disarmed: Governor Abercrombie...both aided & abetted by the pathetic HI State Legislature, of course.

It seems that for many decades in America (and clearly still so TODAY in 2014), what CIVIL & UNALIENABLE RIGHTS an American citizen has depends on what STATE he/she lives in. Said RIGHTS should apply to ALL American citizens regardless of state of residence...if we're supposed to be a UNION of States, period. But they DON'T, and the cowardly UN-American SCOTUS should be ASHAMED for not calling it what it is: Discrimination, pure & simple.
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
As you may know, HI doesn't allow OC and is SUPPOSED to be may-issue of CC permits -- at least that's what it says on paper -- except it never issues any.

HPD (Honolulu Police Department) Chief Louis "no-issue" Kealoha apparently has NEVER HEARD any CC applicant state a "good & compelling reason" to carry a handgun so he doesn't issue permits. The only ones in HI who have the "tool" needed for self-defense out on the (sometimes) mean streets of HI are LEOS. Consequently, the residents of HI have NO way to carry legally...and no HOPE of ever doing so as things stand now.

The FACT that we ALL have a "good & compelling reason" to carry -- we each have our LIFE to protect -- just isn't good enough for so-called Police Chief Kealoha...or his also pathetic partner in keeping the people of HI disarmed: Governor Abercrombie...both aided & abetted by the pathetic HI State Legislature, of course.

It seems that for many decades in America (and clearly still so TODAY in 2014), what CIVIL & UNALIENABLE RIGHTS an American citizen has depends on what STATE he/she lives in. Said RIGHTS should apply to ALL American citizens regardless of state of residence...if we're supposed to be a UNION of States, period. But they DON'T, and the cowardly UN-American SCOTUS should be ASHAMED for not calling it what it is: Discrimination, pure & simple.

One small correction. I have a friend who is an armoured car driver for a local bank, he and his fellow employees have a concealed permit too. Other than that a few famous people if I can recall. Probably having to do with large donations.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
Yes, you are correct, but I was ignoring the exceptional/favoritism cases...I was "bending" the definition of "never." My apologies...


For the average Joe (which would include me if I moved there) -- meaning 99.9999% of the residents of Hawaii (at least Oahu County, where HPD Chief Kealoha rules) -- they would be denied a CC permit. So for all practical in-reality purposes, for THEM CC permits are "never" issued.
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