State Researcher
"Gun Pandemonium as No Background Needed for Web Sales" Screams Bloomberg Headline
This Bloomberg article ought to inform on the level of hatred, paranoia and lack of ethics that we are dealing with:
Gun Pandemonium as No Background Needed for Web Sales
By Matt Townsend - Dec 21, 2012 4:25 PM ET
The writer, Matt Townsend, left out a few, uhm, relevant details.
1. The proposed sale is not a "web sale." It's an offer for a face to face sale. Perfectly legal if done correctly.
2. The proposed sale is obviously for a PA to PA resident sale between private parties. Not subject to a background check.
The ad is still up there on the armslist site. The lister had a sense of humor, noting: "Special discount to $1800 if this is your first gun!"
Not particularly funny in today's times...
This Bloomberg article ought to inform on the level of hatred, paranoia and lack of ethics that we are dealing with:
Gun Pandemonium as No Background Needed for Web Sales
By Matt Townsend - Dec 21, 2012 4:25 PM ET
The writer, Matt Townsend, left out a few, uhm, relevant details.
1. The proposed sale is not a "web sale." It's an offer for a face to face sale. Perfectly legal if done correctly.
2. The proposed sale is obviously for a PA to PA resident sale between private parties. Not subject to a background check.
The ad is still up there on the armslist site. The lister had a sense of humor, noting: "Special discount to $1800 if this is your first gun!"
Not particularly funny in today's times...