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Ive read some of the threads of transportation, and we actaully discussed this in the CCW course I recently took.
You can DEFINITELY store your gun in a map-pocket * side door pocket, behind seat pocket* without a CCW, I believe its actually a pretty new law.
Also most LEO's know the un-official two-step rule, which pretty much says you need to do two motions to retrieve your firearm. Such as in your glove box, and in its holster.
The two-step rule doesnt apply to blatantly exposed firearms, such as on the dashboard, nor does it apply to the map-pocket rule. So you can keep your handgun in a map-pocket un-holstered and dont need a CCW.
Also be aware, even if you have your CCW, and conceal it in your vehicle, make sure your using the two-step rule if your carrying a passenger without a CCW, the law applies to EVERYONE in the vehicle.
Of course if you have a CCW, you can do what you want with your firearm, just be careful of passengers.
I hope for some, this clarified some questions. Feel free to correct me.
The map-pocket law only applies to map-pockets, not the glove box. Dont take my word for it, look it up or ask a LEO.
Also My question, is I live about 1/2 mile away from a movie theatre, and usually walk there at night in the dark. Its kind of a creepy walk, mainly because its behind a canal, and you never know what is lurking in the dark. Is it legal for me to OC in a public theatre? Im not doing it because of the theatre, but for protection from the dark walk. Thanks
Ive read some of the threads of transportation, and we actaully discussed this in the CCW course I recently took.
You can DEFINITELY store your gun in a map-pocket * side door pocket, behind seat pocket* without a CCW, I believe its actually a pretty new law.
Also most LEO's know the un-official two-step rule, which pretty much says you need to do two motions to retrieve your firearm. Such as in your glove box, and in its holster.
The two-step rule doesnt apply to blatantly exposed firearms, such as on the dashboard, nor does it apply to the map-pocket rule. So you can keep your handgun in a map-pocket un-holstered and dont need a CCW.
Also be aware, even if you have your CCW, and conceal it in your vehicle, make sure your using the two-step rule if your carrying a passenger without a CCW, the law applies to EVERYONE in the vehicle.
Of course if you have a CCW, you can do what you want with your firearm, just be careful of passengers.
I hope for some, this clarified some questions. Feel free to correct me.
The map-pocket law only applies to map-pockets, not the glove box. Dont take my word for it, look it up or ask a LEO.
Also My question, is I live about 1/2 mile away from a movie theatre, and usually walk there at night in the dark. Its kind of a creepy walk, mainly because its behind a canal, and you never know what is lurking in the dark. Is it legal for me to OC in a public theatre? Im not doing it because of the theatre, but for protection from the dark walk. Thanks