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Guns cannot be uninvented


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2008
Mercer Island, Washington, USA
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When I have arguments with anti-gunners, we inevitably come up against the same problem in their logic... that getting rid of guns from a society gets rid of all guns. I always use the same argument... I say "Pandora's box has been opened... you cannot un-invent the gun... so taking guns away from people will give you only one result... only good people will be disarmed."

Do you think we can expand on the logic behind the "you can't un-invent the gun" reasoning?

Task Force 16

Campaign Veteran
Jul 20, 2008
Lobelville, Tennessee, USA
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In order to get rid of all guns in the world, we would ahve to exterminate every person in the world that has any inkling of how they are made and work.

You'd also have to get rid of every person that might have the capability to re-invent a firearm.

That would probably do away with about 75% (or better)of the world population.

Then we'd have to get rid of the rest of the population, because they'll most likely know how to make archery equipment and other sharp pointy objects.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
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Task Force 16 wrote:
In order to get rid of all guns in the world, we would ahve to exterminate every person in the world that has any inkling of how they are made and work.

You'd also have to get rid of every person that might have the capability to re-invent a firearm.

That would probably do away with about 75% (or better)of the world population.

Then we'd have to get rid of the rest of the population, because they'll most likely know how to make archery equipment and other sharp pointy objects.
If the Brady Fairy could wave her magic wand and make every gun disappear instantly, along with every round of ammo, every bit of powder, and all reloading components like primers and brass, it would take less than a week for new guns and ammo to be produced.

Crude ones, maybe, but functional.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2008
The Northwoods, lakeland area, Wisconsin, USA
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Just bring up what happened inthe UK and in Australia when they banned guns, the murder rate did not drop, it actually went up in some places. Knive were the new favored attack weapon, bar glasses, cricket bats etc etc etc.

There will always be morderous people in the world, by disarming the law abiding person all that would happen is we would be preyed upon more.

A gun does not turn someone into a murderer!


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
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Whenever I hear someone echo these remarks, I just smile and think to myself how really ignorant they are... how oblivious to reality. So many are just repeating that which they have heard all along so one may ask them some of these questions.

  1. "How would you propose we do this?"
  2. "How are we going to get to the guns we don't know about?"
  3. "How long do you think this might take?"
  4. "How could we guarantee we got them all?"

There are a bunch of other questions for sure, but these came to mind right away.

1. They would probably say something like, "I don't know.. don't the police have records of who bought what? We could just go door to door and search people's homes."

2. This one will leave them thinking and the might come back with the door-to-door answer again.

3. They won't have an answer for this because they have never thought out this sort of scenario before. Logistics won't have any meaning to them. They might say we would need to use the national guard and the military and when reminded of the Posse Comitatus Act, they would probably say this is so important that it requires an exception to that law.

4. This one will have them trying to come up with something but they will be at odds for a real answer.

The point is, these people make outlandish assertions and suggestions for which they have no idea how they might be implemented and carried out. No regard for civil liberties or any in-place laws against violations, they consider this to be so important that any such "nonsense" must take a back seat for the "greater good". They are, in effect, clueless and perfect example of Lenins "useful idiots" label. And anyone who knows history knows what happens to the useful idiots once the goals of the anointed are met.


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2010
, ,
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The way I answer:

"Let's just suppose we could somehow magically wave a wand and ALL guns would vanish forever, OK?"

"What are the bad people going to kill you with then?
Do you think being stabbed or beaten to death with a bat is
somehow 'better' than being shot?"

"Why not use that magic wand to get rid of all the criminals, instead?"

(silence - I've never met a liberal willing to do away with criminals. Why is that?)


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
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An UNSUCCESSFUL attempt to "get rid of" guns would require a Luddite police state that would make Pol Pot blanch.

Ban guns? Better ban refined metal and machine tools first... and books.

It's not going to happen.

It CAN'T happen.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
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groats wrote:
The way I answer:

"Let's just suppose we could somehow magically wave a wand and ALL guns would vanish forever, OK?"

"What are the bad people going to kill you with then?
Do you think being stabbed or beaten to death with a bat is
somehow 'better' than being shot?"

"Why not use that magic wand to get rid of all the criminals, instead?"

(silence - I've never met a liberal willing to do away with criminals. Why is that?)
You're right with this one, but they would probably come back with, "well, you can't kill as many people with a bat or a knife as you can with a gun" to which a good reply might be, "would you feel the same way if you were one of the 'few' who get killed with that bat or that knife?".


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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SouthernBoy wrote:
groats wrote:
The way I answer:

"Let's just suppose we could somehow magically wave a wand and ALL guns would vanish forever, OK?"

"What are the bad people going to kill you with then?
Do you think being stabbed or beaten to death with a bat is
somehow 'better' than being shot?"

"Why not use that magic wand to get rid of all the criminals, instead?"

(silence - I've never met a liberal willing to do away with criminals. Why is that?)
You're right with this one, but they would probably come back with, "well, you can't kill as many people with a bat or a knife as you can with a gun" to which a good reply might be, "would you feel the same way if you were one of the 'few' who get killed with that bat or that knife?".
When confronted with this argument, I remind people about the likes of John Wayne Gacy, who didn't need a gun to perpetrate his crimes. Then you have Robert Dale Segee... all he needed was a match.


Regular Member
Feb 20, 2010
Greenville, NC, ,
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No, you can't kill as many people with a knife or a bat...

But there's always the bow and arrow. Been around for a damn long time, and they aren't that hard to make.

Take away guns, and people will walk around with a quiver on their back, and a bow in their hand.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
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elixin77 wrote:
No, you can't kill as many people with a knife or a bat...

But there's always the bow and arrow. Been around for a damn long time, and they aren't that hard to make.

Take away guns, and people will walk around with a quiver on their back, and a bow in their hand.
Tell that to a bunch of Chinese schoolchildren!


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2008
Mercer Island, Washington, USA
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eye95 wrote:
elixin77 wrote:
No, you can't kill as many people with a knife or a bat...

But there's always the bow and arrow. Been around for a damn long time, and they aren't that hard to make.

Take away guns, and people will walk around with a quiver on their back, and a bow in their hand.
Tell that to a bunch of Chinese schoolchildren!
29 to be exact.